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cooper had started the skate off easy, much to her relief, but liz still felt terrible for holding him back. the first time she even attempted a fancy move, she promptly fell from the rail slide and onto the ground. the boys had been on her in a second, hounding her and making sure she was okay. waving them off, she stood (with a slight limp) and tried the slide again. travis constantly applauded her no matter how simple or flashy a trick liz did. cooper stayed patient with her while she practiced a particular trick, and she answered any and all questions she asked. however, after a few too many falls, she retreated from the park and sat beside travis as he filmed.  

he turned the camera towards her. "lizzy, you're doing great out there; how'd you learn to skate like that?" 

"what can I say? hoes love a skater boy." she bit her lip, imitating the weird boys on the internet. "nah actually, I was just a military brat, so getting a license was difficult. skating has always been a bit easier." he just nodded and turned the camera back to cooper and some of their other friends; they sat there sharing funny stories as they watched.

a tap on her shoulder pulled her from watching the game of skate cooper was currently in. the hand belonged to a shy kid no older than 12 asking for liz's help on a trick. the kid was adorable, and liz could only assume she was approached because she was the only woman at the park. so there stood liz as she was, surrounded by kids ranging in size and age as she taught beginner tricks. they listened intently as she explained the logistics of tricks and observed as she moved her feet on the board. the group was practicing when cooper came over to tell her they were heading back. she waved the kids goodbye and expressed how proud she was before cooper was able to drag her away. when they got back to the house, cooper had invited her to dinner with them, carson and noah. she politely declined, saying she was exhausted and wanted to get home and sleep off her many falls. so she said her long goodbyes to cooper and travis before loading up petunia, headed home to shower, and promptly fell asleep.

bruises and cuts lined her body the next morning, making it look like she had been thrown out a window. she winced with every step as she got ready (put on more pajamas). safe to say she felt every muscle in her body; she was way rustier than she thought. liz grabbed a couple of slices of cold pizza and returned to her computer desk. she had been ignoring most social media all month, besides the occasional solo stream or her personal accounts for friends and family. so when she finally opened her discord, she was pleasantly surprised by the number of messages she had received. minx and kate had invited her to many recordings, to which she apologized for missing and promised to be at their next ones if they would still have her. rajj also offered her her own show, which she declined, but said she'd cameo in any if he would want her—lastly, the sheer amount of messages from schlatt. 

jschlatt yesterday 5:37

you down to play again?

jschlatt 2:13

did i do something to offend you?

oh my gosh, no!! I promise ive just been busy and I

 was taking a break from social media.

the break didn't seem to include travis and cooper.  


he invited me out and i didn't want to be rude

so if i invited you out right now you'd come?

wow, really?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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