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He said walking in the bathroom.
Meanwhile Seonghwa was working hard on decipher Hongjoon's plan so he could plan a counter attack.
- so he is going to kidnap the women but how, where is he taking them?
- I'm going to crack your plan Kim Hongjoon, I'm not letting you get away with this.
Jungkook finished his shower which took longer than expected having to deal with a hard on, got dress fast heading out the door, he was administrating a final exam.
- goodness I'm running late.
He got on his bike pulling up as he drove off he noticed her car still parked in front of the house.
- I guess she came to pick her up,
He made it to campus walking to get some coffee before he went to his office to get the tests.
- where is Hoba?
Jungkook asked Namjoon as he walked up to them whom were sitting down at the cafeteria talking.
- well shit good morning to you too Jungkook.
Taehyung replied bitterly.
- good morning guys I'm sorry...
- sit please.
Namjoon motioned to the free space across from him.
- is everything alright buddy?
- I sure hope so Jimin.
- Hoba is not here he is done for the semester.
Yoongi said.
- ahh, he is a lucky one.
- he was going with the wife to help her get a dress for the dance, taking advantage that the girls are at school.
Taehyung said before sipping on his juice.
- which means that he came pick up my wife this morning.
- y/n, why?
- she was doing the same thing Jimin.
- why didn't you go with her?
- really Taehyung, why do you think I didn't go?
- shut up Tae you sound like you have no brain, I know you are really smart so don't ask dumb questions.
- shhhh all of you, is everything ok between you two JK?
- yes Seokjin... or I think they are.
- that doesn't sound reassuring friend.
Namjoon said raising an eyebrow.
- we haven't been intimate since our son got back from my parents that week of the party.
- what, you two?!, I can't believe that you can't keep your paws of each other.
- funny Seokjin.
- he is telling the truth.
- sip it you two.
Namjoon said to Yoongi and Seokjin.
- ask Hoba to pay attention maybe she tells something to Taeyong.
- shut it Jimin please why are you trying to do?, if she figures out that he will be in real trouble then.
- Yoongi is right.
- Jimin's idea is not that bad guys.
- please JK don't follow Jimin you will make it bad even if it isn't bad.
- Joon is right so please think about it before you fuck something up.
- fine I won't.
He said looking at his phone.
- oops I have to go is test time, see you guys later.
He grabbed his coffee and left.
- he still going to do it.
Namjoon said making his way to his classroom as well.
Jungkook was talking to Hoseok through text while everyone took the test, he sat on his desk relaxed since everyone had a different test they couldn't copy, which made things really easy for him.

Hoseok didn't like the idea that Jungkook had but still decided to help him even if it could bring him trouble he would help his friend.
- what do you think about this one baby?
Taeyong talk to her husband whose head was buried in his phone.
He didn't hear her so she turned her head looking at y/n the shrug her shoulders.
- baby!!
She raised her voice just enough to startle him.
- what, what, what?
He said phone dropping from his hands.
- who are you talking to Jung Hoseok?, I'm inquiring your opinion.
- ah yes baby, I'm listening.
Y/n bent to pick up the phone reading her husband's name in the text conversation.
- I was just talking to JK that's all.
- here Hobi, what about?
She asked while handing him the phone.

- here Hobi, what about?She asked while handing him the phone

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- he is just a little worried.
- worried why?
- he thinks that is something bothering you,
- of course it is, is him so tell him that please, come on Tae before I change my mind about this dance.
She walked off with his wife leaving him standing there, he told JK what happened, so they stopped texting.
- fuck...
Jungkook whispered.
- now what?, damn my bad luck.
He walked through the classroom there was two students left to finish.
- you have ten more minutes before I take your papers away.
Jungkook warned them.
- you should help us then professor.
- very funny miss Lee.
The last guy stood up turning his test.
- thank you mr. Jeon.
- good look mr. Ok, take care.
- you too mr. Jeon.
He bowed before he walked out the classroom.
- miss Lee you have five more minutes.
- mr. Jeon, isn't there another way to pass your class?
- besides passing your test?, no miss Lee.
- are you sure?
- what are you trying to insinuate miss Lee?
- like me and you could discuss that somewhere more private.
- or I could show you how you fail my class for saying those kind of things to your professor.
She stood up giving him the test.
- good luck and take care miss Lee, I have to go home my wife is waiting on me.
- are you sure that we can't make some sort of arrangement to prevent me from failing the class?
She tried to touch him but he moved out of her reach.
- no but I think I speak good Korean, no I won't play your games.
He took her test ripping it in two.
- you will have to comeback next semester and I will make sure that everyone knows about you and your tactics , leave my classroom while I'm still calm.
She was speechless, walking to the desk quickly grabbing her belongings before walking out of the room.
Jungkook slammed his hand on top of his desk, scaring the life out of Namjoon whom was walking in the room looking for him.
- woah, easy there my man, what's going on?
Namjoon asked passing his arm around his friend shoulder.
- I did what you told me not to do Joon, so I fucked up...
Jungkook said with frustration.
- aigoo...
- but that's not what has me like this.
- no then what is it?
- the last student literally almost just threw herself at me so she could pass this class.
- what, what did you do?
- I ripped the test and told her to comeback the next semester, I'm going to let everyone professor know about her so they can be aware and prepare.
- you did well my friend, let's go now.
- I messed up with my wife, I don't know what's going on between us lately.
- well how about you talk to her and find out?
- Namjoon every time I try to do that she says that everything is fine.
- you have to keep asking she will come clean soon you know this, we have been around long enough to know this.
- I know Joon but I thought things will change after we got married.
- she won't change, women won't change but always want us to change our ways is ironic.
- I know is crazy but honestly I didn't do anything for her to be upset.
- that you are aware of Jungkook but there has to be something that you did.
- you are right, most likely my ass wasn't paying attention to her reactions so I don't know what the heck did I do.
- well you will find out when you get home.
- Hoseok said that she almost didn't buy the dress for the dance.
- no she would not do that I promise, she talks a lot of trash but, the love that she has for you is too strong, so I know that she would not let you go alone to this dance.
- do you think so Namjoon?
- no I don't think so I'm sure of it Jungkook, she would not let you go to events like that alone knowing that there is all these ladies trying to get their hands on you.
- oh come on don't be exaggerated Namjoon.
- I'm not exaggerating Jungkook, I'm being real with you, because I have seeing it, did you just forgot what happened today with that girl, the one that made you ripped the test.
- please don't remind me about it, the nerve I already had told her no once, but she kept insisting, well news flash young lady I'm not the kind on men you think I am.

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