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TUESDAY 03:14AM ; Y/n's House

Dear Diary,

Yeah ok, maybe it's too early for this, but I can't really help myself right now. I'm probably being the most dramatic ass I am and just being, well, dramatic. That's what everyone calling me recently. But anyways, ok, so, I like this girl, so you know where this kind of going.

And it gets even better. It's my best friend!...yay...

Yeah. I'm the girl who's in love with their best friend. But you know, it could go many different ways, who am I even kidding. This is, not only the worst way, but the shittiest way possible. Yeah. It is definitely too early for this. And if you were a friend of mine, or even just human, you would've just told me to go back to sleep, and I would've told you that I can't because I'm going to go feral about this girl I have been ranting on about for the last 3 minutes IN THIS FUCKING JOURNAL.

Since I was told to write in this, I'll just tell you about her, since it's the only thing non-dramatic thing I could do right now.

Well, her name is Elizabeth Chase Olsen, but I call her Lizzie, or Liz. She brunette with curtain bangs. She has emerald eyes and really good fashion. She like gardening and cooking. She's really pretty, but that might just be me.

Yeah, so there's that. There's quite a bit more, but I won't go into more detail, but yeah. There's a 100% chance that she doesn't like me back since she's into guys with beards and other shit like that. She would go on ranting on about how hot this Robbie guy is, and I kind of got to go with it, knowing that she'll never be into me.

Okay, I've gotten a tiny bit emotional, so I'll just stop. So I'll write in the morning (or even later if I don't go back to sleep), so goodnight then <3


TUESDAY 5:37AM ; Y/n's house

Dear Diary,

So I'm sort of awake again, only because I keep asking myself what I should do if I ever tell Liz that I have feelings for her. But I don't see any of it happing though.

But what if it does happen eventually, and we become a iconic duo or something? Huh, imagine.

Anyways, I'm still here, negotiating with myself what to do if I actually get my shit together and tell her. She'll probably stop being friends with and think I'm some gay weirdo, or just hate me.

Fuck, I've got to stop doing that. Ok, this is really frustrating and infuriating for me, jesus.

What the fuck am I supposed to do with my life? Am I really that sad? God I need a life.

This is so stupid. I hate this so much. Dude, out of anyone else, I had to like my straight best friend. What the fuck is wrong with me.

I swear to god, this is one of most fucked up things I have ever done.

I may or may have not just ruined my entire life. Ok, this is SOOOO sad. I've got to stop. Jeez, I AM dramatic.

I am so close to literally jumping off my bedroom window.

Anyway, I'll write in the morning, or something.


After finally getting five, maybe six hours of sleep, Y/n was able to relax, only to remember the thoughts that she had just a couple hours before.

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