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Y/n and Lizzie were hanging out for almost two hours now. They were both in a small kiddie playground for children, maybe for 3+ year olds. They were both swinging on the swings that were nearly small for the both of them, but they were able to fit into them.

Liz was swinging pretty high, and Y/n was chill on her swing, just moving very slightly. The swings were pretty old, so when Lizzie swings, you could hear the hinges of it creak every time Lizzie swings back and forth.

The Lizzie suddenly stops.

"Hey." She says.

Y/n turns her head to face Lizzie's direction.

"Do you ever just wanna, like, run away?" She asks

"What?" Y/n lets out a half chuckle escape from her mouth with a confused face to go along with it.

"You know what I mean." Lizzie nudges Y/n's arm

"Uh, no, I really don't." They both laugh.

A comfortable silence hits amongst them like cold air when it hits your face.

"I mean, we could run away now? Only if you want. I'm not forcing you, if that's what you think I'm doing, or-"

Lizzie stifles her laughs.

"Heh, what?" Y/n asks while laughing.

"You." They both make eye contact, but instantly look away from embarrassment.

More silence hits them one again.

"But, I'll take you on that offer, only if you want to." A smile was plastered on Lizzie's face.

They both smile and get up from the their swings they were sitting on. They make their way down the narrow street the live on and head out of their village.

"Also, could we just run away for a few hours? My mom's making me dinner." Y/n asks

Lizzie responds with a giggle and nod of consent.

"So where to first?" Y/n asks.

Liz tugs on Y/n's arm to guide the location she wants to go



About an hour passes by an they arrive at a grocery store.

"Here? You wanted to run away...here?" Y/n subtly asked

"What? It's the best place to go to when running away? I saw it in a movie once." Lizzie confidently states.

"Huh? Please Miss Olsen, would you please explain what you mean to a helpless, curious girl like me?" Y/n says in a sarcastic, old English, voice.

"Well. Miss Y/L/N, it means that, when you run away, you should go to a grocery store first because, you need resources, like food and water, and snacks, and toys, and wine, and more snacks, and maybe even new clothing if they sell any and..."

She went on ranting on about you need certain things when you run off on your parents, but all Y/n could concentrate on was how naturally pretty her best friend was.

Stop it, Y/n. She's your best friend! And she's straight, which means she into guys, not you!

"Y/n? Hello? Earth to Y/n????? Are you there?" Lizzie was clicking her fingers in front of Y/n's face, which brought her back to reality.

"Huh? wha?" It took her a moment to realize what she was doing inn the exact moment.

"Uh, were you even listening?" Lizzie sounded almost annoyed.

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