💖✨~Part 4~✨💖

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✨~Authors note~✨

Hey get ready to read some cringe about Aaron Z x Tyler bye bye have a good time!!!and if you think it's not cringe okay!By the way thanks so much for 1.77k views!!I have one quick something to say,I am really sorry I haven't made this part is that I've been very busy and stressed with school and all you guys know what I mean.Anyways let's get on on ready!

✨~Tyler POV~✨

I walked to the car stomping, while the girls tried calming me down I was too Angry that I accidentally broke the back chair, and then me and the girls laughed so hard.But anyways we got home I changed into some black shorts and a black and red baggy sweater with a dark red shirt underneath.Once me and the girls got ready and went downstairs Mei said"Guys I accidentally invited 4 town to our movie night, because there house is far from Hollywood so I said they could stay.I AM SO SORRY!!!"I looked at her like I lost my marbles I was about to scream until I heard the doorbell ring I looked at her and said"If that's them, I AM LITERALLY GONNA JUMP ON YOU AND FIGHT YOU!"She looked at me and just gulped and then I opened the door and boom it's was 4 town I looked at Mei and ran on top off her and started fighting her(This is a friend fight it's a game lmao!)Then Priya and Abby separated us and she said"VIRGIN"I said"YOUR A VIRGING"And she said"STRIPPER"I said"ATLEAST I AM GOOD AT IT"Then I realized what I said While I remember 4 town was at the door and the door was open Aaron Z looked redder than a tomato I was blushing like hell.I pulled up my hood and pulled Mei Infront of me and used her as my shield to hide me she was like 🤷🏻‍♀️I pulled her to my bedroom door I went and and smashed the door behind me and started to blush so hard and I scram in my pillow I even drew something on my sketch book I tried listening to something and I tried calming down and then after and 1 hour I heard the Miriam say"Tyler are you good, it's been an 1 hour"and then I just said"No I'm fine I fell asleep!"and she said"yea sure, out bitch"I said"Nah I'm good"I heated her whisper something but I didn't hear what she said"And then Abby said"Tyler I will tell Z you like him~"I didn't know Z was there once I got out Z was blushing with his hand behind his neck I walked back in there and played the song heart attack because I was having one but love one!Then Miriam said"That song matches him just like his whole life"Mei said"I agree"everyone else was like"omg wtf" expect Abby she was agreeing with The girls and the same with Priya I was just singing and my voice was heared I heared Z say"He sound nice-"The girls said"Yea whatever"Miriam said"We need to get him out :/"Abby said"KICK THE DOOR DOWN!"Abby just hit the door down quickly and I yelled"ABBY WTF,THAT DOOR IS EXPENSIVE TO FIX,IM NOT WAISTING MY MONEY AGAIN!"She said"Oopsi, daisy"I said "Who TF is daisy?"Then another song played I tried to stop it but it was too late The song Dandelion played I Said"SHIT"Then Abby said"STOP THE SONG!"I was fake crying"I said"I CANT"Abby said"Skip!"phew I said Anyways after I got out the room and we just went downstairs.Idk why but I just straight up started blushing at Z because dang he was so hot that Miriam said"Boy stop looking at Aaron z like you want to make out with him!"I said"Bitch hush ur tall ass mouth,and mind ur own business!"Miriam then said"wow wow okay okay, gay bitch"I looked at her with my death stare and she looked at me back and said"I am sorry"then my mom came home and said"Sweety Tyler I got you something,Oh I see you've got guest!"I said excited"Wait what did you get me...OMG WAIT YOU DIDNT!"And she said"maybe I did!"as she giggled I ran to the bag and grabbed out 10 roblox gift card that had 100 doller in them then I said"wait why are there 10?"she said"oops I thought I bought 5,but just stay with it there's no way I'm giving them back!"I stayed there and I was like bitch what?But all I can think about is all the robux I will get I said"I'm save this with the rest of the other I gave the girls 1 and stayed with the 6 anyways I ran to my room grabbed my small back pack and pulled out some other roblox gift cards I put them together they where all 100 doller I counted them there where 900 in complete so I put it away and then I say"What movie y'a wanna watch?"then Aaron Z and Aaron T plus me say"Horror movie"Then everyone agrees I say"Let's watch Veronica,it's new okay!I wanna watch it!"Then Abby says"YASSSSSS"I told them to leave there stuff in my room for now and I took them to a room which is a living room but we call it the movie room Everyone sits down while I put the movie on everyone was wearing something comfy I was wearing shorts and a long sleeves shirt which was dark red and my shorts where black after a few hours the movie is 2 hour(which is not let's just stick with that!)I was cold that z saw me and he took his hoodie off and gave it to me I just looked at him and he looked at me we both blushed and looked away from each other and then I looked at his arm which was behind me on the couch back thing(idk what it's called)then I decided to put my head on his side of his chest he was tall He looked at me and he wrapped his arm around me and I fell asleep in 20 minutes He felt warm which made me comfortable.

✨~In the morning~✨
I wake up too Z cuddling me and I just sit down and moved back to get off him,He woke up from my movement he said"Are you okay?"Priya and Robaire where cooking there like the parents in the groups I said"Yea I'm fine,I'm just gonna go to the bathroom."He said"oh okay"I walked to the bathroom I brush my teeth and then I look at myself and realized I'm wearing someone's hoodie and then I remembered it was Z's sweater it was comfy and big which I liked I got out and then I saw food on the table and so I sat down and ate after I was done Robaire said"you guys wanna go out?"Abby said"yussssssss"I said"Aslong as I can take my sketch book with me"Everyone looked at me I said"what there's nothing like drawing!"Then Abby said"yea whatever let's just change"(let's say Tyler showed 4 town there rooms already and they unpacked)I changed into my clothes which was a white shirt under Z's hoodie and some dark blue baggy jeans before I left I looked in the mirror at my long tied ponytail hair and said to myself"I need to cut my hair soon"anyways I hugged z's hoodie and then stopped I opened my door and walked out to everyone done the Abby said"Tyler you take so fucking long.What are you even doing?kissing a picture of Aaron z????"I looked at her and said"girl I was thinking what I should do to my hair"Then I realized Z was blushing like heck!Then Miriam said"let's not start drama and go to the park"and then Tae yells"WAIT CAN WE HAVE A PICNIC!"then Aaron T yelled"YES!"Then Tyler yelled"and we play :}"everyone laughed at me and T ,Tae behavior.I yelled"STOP LAUGHING"and I added in a low voice"it's not funny!"Then Miriam yelled"LETS GO TO THE FUCKING PARK,ALREADY MY GOD"then we walked out the house and walked to the park Tae and T found a spot to make the picnic and I put the strawberry stuff down(because we all love strawberry's :}"I didn't wanna eat because I eat very cutely and then Miriam said"Tyler why aren't you eating?"I didn't say nothing then she passed me a piece of toast because I love toast(yes we all do Tyler >:})I put the piece of toast on my mouth and started eating I felt someone's eye on me I didn't care until I heard an"ooooo~" from T and I looked up and saw Z blushing I blushed aswell as I started to eat my toast again.I finished it and I grabbed a strawberry cookie I never ate before.Once I bit it I felt stars in my eyes then Abby said"umm...Tyler you good.You have stars on your eyes?"I snapped out and said"oh I'm fine..It's just that..."Mei looked at me and said"wha-...oh right you never tried theese cookies"she said as she giggled Tae and T finished and then Tae called me I was done eating and I ran towards him and I asked"yea"he said"Let's play hide and seek"with a smirk I said"umm...okay.Why did you add a smirk that's weird..."then T said"you'll see~" than Tae said"anyways let's see who's it"T then say's "not it"and Tae did the same I said"so I'm it.."then T said"YUHHH"then I started counting as Tae and T ran behind Z(Tyler stop just call him zaddy 😩🙏)Then I finished counting I saw Tae's leg peeking from behind Z then I walked over there and I saw Tae and I said"HA I found you the T said"not until you kiss Z)he said with a smirk I then said"noooo then I'm not playing anymore tae said"I mean it can't be that bad.GET DOWN!"i got down and T tapped on Z's shoulder and he pushes him to me and we end up kissing Z then closed his eyes and so I did we melted into the kiss Abby as always takes pictures of cute moments.After he ended the kiss I was breathing softly then Z grabs me and lays me on his shoulder I then fall asleep in 8 minutes.

✨Aaron z POV✨
In about 8 minutes Tyler was asleep he was sleeping so peacefully that I felt a whole new life rap around my body.A couple minutes later we left to go back to the house I carried Tyler sense I didn't want to wake him up.Once we got to the house I put Tyler to his bed.I walked out his room and close the door behind me and walk downstairs.

✨Tyler POV✨
A couple hours later I wake up.I realize I'm in my bed sleeping I walk to my closet where I grab some shorts and wear them.I stayed with Z's hoodie I walk to my door and open it I close it behind me and walk downstairs.I then smell something I sniffed again and then I smell ramen.I run down the stairs to see priya in the kitchen and everyone else in the living room talking priya puts teh bowl of ramen on the counter where I sit and I start eating.A few minutes later I finish and walk to the living room where there's a spot next to Z and walk over and sit there with my head on Z's shoulder he then raps his arms around me and he was on his phone texting some of his other friends I just lay next to him as he played with my hair and looked at his phone I was feeling very comfy that I wanted to sleep again and so I did.

✨Authors Notes✨
Sorry I didn't finish this sooner.It's that I've been very very busy with school and stressed with it that I couldn't write my story's I am very sorry again but I got to finish this chapter!

✨~Word counts 2136~✨

~{His beautiful eyes}~Aaron Z x Tyler(this is my Au keep that in mind please)Where stories live. Discover now