Is this heaven or hell?

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What the FUCK is my mother doing here?

"Hello Aubrey." She says as she slowly moved over to me. Aubrey, my real name is only used only when people are being stern with me. Or when my mother speaks to me. She has the audacity to come and visit me when I'm hurt. This is the time when I don't need her at all. I have my friends with me and I have the love of my life with me. I don't need her here.

"I'm fine. Thank you." I say with not much emotion. Zee squeezed my hand and leans down to whisper something.

"She is worried about you. She also feels bad about what happened in the past."

"But I can't forgive her. She ruined me." I whisper back and glare at my mother. She doesnt even deserve the name mom.

"Aubrey, please." My mother speaks.

"What?" I snap. She is taken aback. But quickly recovers.

"I'm sorry baby. Im sorry for everything." She starts but quickly ends up crying. Now I'm the one who is taken aback. "I screwed up really badly. No...I fucked up. Please give me another chance. I know I dont deserve one, but please...let me be part of your life again."

"Have you spoken to my dad?" I ask.

"Yes, and he has forgiven me. Please do the same." She begs.

"Fine." I say. Her eyes light up and she smiles.



"Oh my gosh. Thank you so much!! I promise you won't regret letting me back into your life."

"Hopefully not. This is the last chance I give you, to make things up." I say sternly.

"And I have taken that fully into consideration. And I swear I will be the best mother in the world." She smiles and quickly moves over to me and leans down for a hug. I move away and her smile disappears.

"I understand. I'm being to quick." She says and plants a kiss on my forehead. "Shall we talk later?" She asks as she reaches the doorway.

"Yeah..later." I say.

"Thank you so much for this opportunity." She smiles and leaves. Silence fills the room and I look back at the love of my life. He is looking at the door, from which my mother just left. A second later, he turns to me and sees that Im looking at him and he starts to blush.

"Could everyone leave the room please?" I say. Everyone nods and start to walk out. "Everyone except you, Liam." I smile. Liam turns to me and smiles back and steps to the side to let the other pass. Zee kisses my forehead one last time and walks out with Niall holding her hand.

The door silently closes and Liam is still on the other side of the room.

"If you don't come closer, I'm going to get out of this bed and drag you over here." I threaten playfully. He quickly walks over to me and stands beside my bed.

"Yeah?" He asks nervously.

"I have a confession to make."

"And what is that?"

"Do you want to know why I got into a car crash?"

"Yes, very much so."

"Well it so happens that I love this guy." I say. His whole body looks defeated now as if someone has stabbed his Heart.

"Really?" His voice cracks And tears start to form in his eyes and he looks away.

"Really. Well anyway, he was the only person that wasn't at the party. He doesn't like parties. I never realized that I loved him until that night. I danced with a random guy, but the whole time I wished it was someone else."


"Do you know who that guy was Liam?"


"No. Liam, look at me." I say and reach my hand up and pull his face to me. "It was you."

His faces lights up and the world's biggest smile comes on his face.


"Yes, really. I love you Li-" I start but am interrupted by his lips crashing into mine.

"I love you." He mumbles into my mouth.

"I love you." I mumble back.

After a long time,we broke a part.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you Liam."

"And I want to spend it with you Bree." He says and kisses me again.

Never letting Go (1D fanfic and friendship story)Where stories live. Discover now