One Direction Perfume

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Chapter 11

Chelsea POV

"So .....what do you want to talk about?" I asked

"Well nothing really....." Louis said trailing off .Then he stared me. Our eyes locked. He started to lean in just like Chase did and then he kissed me! I kissed back passionately and I FELT SPARKS! Oh no!!! This can't be good. After what felt like ages we pulled apart. There was a long silence then he said "I'm sorry I didn't mean to.... I don't know what has come over me. I know you like this Kasey guy."

I giggled at what he said "Its Chase" I said

He gave a confused look .

"You said Kasey. It's Chase."

"Oh.... ok whatever"

"And its ok..... I sorta liked it" I said blushing. his eyes lit up and looked into mine.

"Really?" he asked. I nodded my head and started to walk out the door "Wait!!! I want to tell you something" I turned around "You know where my room is now if you need anything just come and get me ok? Also I enjoyed it as well." he said. We were both blushing. After our blushing went down we went out of the room. We found Bree and Harry having a staring contest. Odd. The rest of the guys were laughing at them. "What's going on here?" Louis asked

"They are having a staring contest and they look retarded doing it." laughed Niall

Louis and I nodded our heads then

"Anywho.... tomorrow is our next concert in Italy. You guys are going to be our special guests." said Zayn.

"Do you guys have anything to wear?" asked Harry.

"Yes we do!!" said Chelsea

UG!! Chelsea and her fashion!! So tomboy!!

"Technically.... we do have stuff to wear.....but they are not the best clothes for guests on your concert. I said elbowing Chelsea pretty hard.

"Yeah... Zee is right... we have crapy clothes." agreed Chelsea after I stared her down.

"It's ok!! Lets go see what you guys have." said Zayn.

We all went upstairs and into the guest room. Our luggage was on the floor and untouched. The boys entered the room and grabbed random bags.

"Let me see....." said Zayn.

The boys went through our bags and pulled out clothes with potential. But one of the most embarassing things happened to Chloe and Zee.

Louis was looking in my bag and Harry was looking in Chloe's bag. My friends and I were in the corner talking about what we were going to wear when we suddenly hear laughter. We turned around and saw Harry holding up a box of pads. Chloe blushed like mad and snatched it away from him. We all ran to our bags and took out our pads and hid them in the bathroom. Well... every one of my friends except for Ashley.

"It's ok!!," laughed Harry.

"Now we know that if you guys are being mean or grumpy.....that it's that time of the month again!!" Louis laughed.

We blushed like mad. And if that embarrassment wasn't enough.....another embarrassing thing happened to me.

We went to the bathroom and regained our normal color. We organized our femanine things and entered the room. But when I entered, I saw Louis wearing my bra!! I turned a bright shade of red. The boys looked at me and started to crack up laughing. I started to cry. Niall looked at me and stopped laughing.

"Hey guys!! Stop!! Its not funny!" Niall said.

"Well....I tired I'm going to bed" I said breaking the silence I mean after all it is like midnight. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. The boys walked out of our rooms saying 'Good Night Loves' and Louis winked at me. I blushed and gave him a smile.

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