-thursday 14/4/2022-

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-Class 1A had another set of training. Aizawa and Midnight were the two in charge. Class 1A were chatting amongst each other as they separated into smaller groups. Shortly after, class 1B arrived-
Vlad king: To make it more challenging, I thought the classes should combine and therefore challenge each other against quirks they don't fully understand.
Aizawa: Good thinking on your behalf. I'll explain the training and then we can split into official groups and Midnight can do the commentary.
Midnight: You got it!
Aizawa: Both classes listen up! Your class will split into 4 teams of 5. Each team faces another team from the opposing class. The goal is to lock the opposing teammates into the small jails that surrounds you. Now here are the groups for class 1A. Group 1: Iida, Tsuyu, Kiri, Todoroki, Shoji. Group 2: Denki, Bakugo, Tokoyami, Hagakure, Uraraka. Group 3: Sero, Koda, Ojiro, Aoyama, Shinso. Group 4: Mineta, Momo, Sato, Mina.
Vlad king: And class 1B, your groups are as follows... Group 1: Tetsutetsu, Lalbara, Karnakiri, Kuoiro, Kendo. Group 2: Kodai, Komori, Shiozaki, Shishida, Shoda. Group 3: Tsunotori, Tsuburaba, Awase, Tokage, Fukidashi. And group 4: Honenuki, Bondo, Monoma, Yanagi and Rin.
Midnight: Both first group's get into the location you are working in.
-The two groups walked into the area to see that their location was built up to resemble a city: with many tall, solid, and metal buildings with plumbing pipes everywhere-
Midnight: Both teams get 5 minutes planning time, then 20 minutes to capture each other! Your planning time starts now.

—---With class 1A—--
: We need a good strategy.
Todo: Our best bet is for Shoji to be on watch, Tsuyu to sneak around, Kirishima to be with Shoji and protect him, and you can use your engines to quickly grab the other team and myself.
Kiri: Wouldn't it make sense for you to protect Shoji with me?
Todo: You do have a very good point, Kirishima.
Tsuyu: Or Todoroki? He should be the main fighter. He's the strongest one here with two quirks.
Iida: But by following that we don't want to risk him being worn out. If that happened, it could end badly on our half.
Todo: I could act as a distraction, if I do little damage but create lots of ice or fire. They will naturally go forward, allowing you guys to attack.
Kiri: So force them over to us?
Todo: Precisely.
Midnight: And... the fight begins!
-Todoroki did as he said, creating a tall ice structure in front of himself, while Tsuyu snuck off and Iida raced off. The both of them finding a hiding place nearby. Shoji stayed between the two, Todoroki protecting the front and Kirishima protecting from behind-
Shoji: Something is smashing the ice-
Kiri: That would be Tetsutetsu.
Todo: He's like Kirishima, but with steel. I think I can hold him back.
Kiri: I'll hold Mr. Drill Guy off.
-After 10 minutes of back and forth battle, Tsuyu had caught someone from the opposite team. Kirishima and Iida had as well. However, in doing so, Shoji and Tsuyu got caught. The last two class 1B members, Kendo and Tetsutetsu, were still fighting. Tetsu against Todoroki, Iida and Kirishima against Kendo-
Tetsu: I'm a steel man! Fire makes me hotter! Ice I can just smash, THAT WON'T WORK AGAINST ME!!
Todo: I'm getting weaker by the second, how long can he go for? I need someone to notice this soon. Otherwise he will get me and then the teams will be tied once again.
-Todoroki started to drop the fire wall, his breathing slowing. He wobbled a little and blinked a few times as he struggled to stay awake-
Todo: Focus Shoto. Focus come on....a little longer.
Kiri: *he gets closer and notices that something is wrong*
-Todoroki didn't see anything around him, only his eyes shutting and the ground coming closer to him-
Kiri: Iida! Todoroki has fainted!
Iida: -he raced back after catching Kendo- We are going to keep Tetsu away
Tetsu: Yea about that... imma just swipe him -the steel boy moved forward in order to pick Todoroki up-
Kiri: Swiper, no swiping! *he grabs a hold of Todoroki's arm*
Iida: Good call, discombobulate the opponent!
Kiri: Let's go bromie! *he cracks his knuckles*
Tetsu: *he cracks his knuckles in unison with Kirishima* You're on bromie! Bromie that was kinda.....
Kiri: Weird?
Tetsu: I was gonna say awesome, but whatever floats your boat.
-While Kirishima was distracting Tetsu, Iida quickly grabbed Todoroki and ran back-
Midnight: Class 1A have won this round! Make your way out of the ring.
Iida: We should probably inform Sensei about Todoroki, and Bakugo.
Kiri: I agree, you take Todobro and I'll talk to Bakubro.
Iida: Got it! -he picked up Todoroki and headed to the nurse's office-

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