Thrones and Lies(Clary's POV)

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I lied to Jace. I wanted so badly to come through for him, but I never could. Even with my special power for creating runes, some things remain impossible. But Jace was an optimist, even if he did prefer to play the cynic. He believed me when I said I transferred the heavenly fire into the Morgernstern sword.

Sebastian held his hand out for me. I shudder passed through me as I took his hand and he led me to the throne he had created for me. When I sat, my feet hung above the floor.

"Not to worry," Sebastian assured me, "we can always find you a more fitting seat."

Too tired to speak, I shook my head.

"Nonsense," Sebastian smiled, "Nothing short of perfection for my sister and my queen." I felt myself cry involuntarily. Sebastian leaned closer to examine my face, and he wiped a tear away from my eye, his skin was rough against my cheek.

"Stop," I whimpered, but I made no motion to make him.

"Why would I do that?" he sneered. "You're mine."

I threw my hand up to slap him, but he grabbed my wrist and I felt my bone crack into two. I screamed out in pain, "Stop!"

He pulled a dagger out from his belt and slashed me across the cheek. "Don't ever raise a hand against me ever again."

He dropped the knife by the side of my throne and licked the blood from my face.

"Get the hell away from her!" Sebastian and I turned our heads to find no other than Jace standing in the doorway of the throne room.

"You realize we're already in hell?" Sebastian smirked. Sebastian reached for his sword, but before he could even wrap his fingers around the hilt, the room was flooded with familiar faces. Isabelle, Simon, Alec, Magnus, my mom, and Luke; all of whom were clearly battle ready.

"You haven't come close to seeing hell," Isabelle threatened.

Sebastian laughed, "What a rag-tag group of so-called warriors we have here. Two shadowhunters, a vampire, a warlock, a werewolf, and a bitch who abandoned her first born child."

"Don't you dare call her that," Luke growled. Sebastian eyed him for a moment, his face was unreadable.

"Clary, are you okay?" Simon called out. He tried to come towards me but Magnus blocked him. I turned away from them, the people I loved so dearly. I was afraid of looking them in the eye. They must've been so scared for me, thinking that I was captured. I knew that if I looked in their eyes, I would burst out with my plan. None of them would be particularly happy about it. If I looked into Jace's eyes, he would know something was off. He knew that I had changed my plan.

"But Magnus, she's hurt," I heard some yell. "I can smell her blood."

I turned to my family then, and let them see the blood trickle down my skin, mixed in with my tears. But that's all I showed them, I wouldn't show them my sorrow, or my pain.

"Clary!" Now it was Jace who called out to me, but everyone took a step closer.

"Don't take another step," Sebastian said.

"What did you do to her?" Jocelyn demanded.

Turned to me punched me across the face, and then again in the stomach. I cried out. Every part of me was on fire, every part of me wanted this over.

He turned back to Jocelyn and groaned, "Nothing yet, if you don't put your weapons down."

The seven of them eyed each other. Finally, Jace proclaimed, "I think we're going to hold onto them, if that's alright."

"I'm tired of playing these silly little games," Sebastian sighed. "Amatis."

The instant Sebastian said he name, Amatis and ten other guards were in the throne room and surrounded my family. Sebastian took a step toward them, "Oh, this is a little predicament isn't it."

While Sebastian was distracted, going back and forth with banter between him and my seven, I grabbed the dagger that lied near my seat. I rose to my feet and held the dagger pointed at my heart.

"Jace, you foul little-" Sebastian began.

"Sorry to interrupt," I said, barely audible. The whole room turned toward me. "Although this is all very interesting, I do believe we have some business to attend to."

"What do you think you're doing?" Sebastian tried to take a step toward me.

"No," I yelled and he stopped. "I swear to Raziel that I will kill myself before you can get to me." Jace was struggling out of Luke and Alec's grips to get to me, but to no avail. Sebastian simply nodded to me. "I want you to do something for me."

"I already said you could have anything," Sebastian griped.

"Let them return to their home, and I'll stay with you."

I heard my friends and family cry out for me. I looked over to them, the only one who wasn't struggling with the dark shadowhunters was Magnus. I met his cat-like eyes, I could see the sadness in his eyes. But he understood.

"Or what?" Sebastian laughed over the ruckus behind him.

"Or I kill myself."

"You're bluffing."

Never in my entire life did I dread hearing that phrase more than I did in that moment. I raised the dagger to my neck, and slowly dragged it across my neck.

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