Return(Clary's POV)

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They all stared at me like I was an animal, even Jace. I must've looked like it. Filthy, wearing a ripped dress, starving, covered in blood, and covered in scars and newer injuries. Most of my old runes were hidden from view now. I looked at my hand, completely drenched in Sebastian's blood, and his heart was still in my hand.

"I just need a minute," I murmured. I ran into the bathroom, I could feel everyone's eyes on me. I slammed the door behind me. You have a dark heart, Clarissa Fray. Panic overtook me. I hurried over to the toilet and dropped the heart in it. I tried to flush it down the drain, but it only clogged the drain and caused the toilet to overflow with water. I closed my eyes for a moment, and when I opened them, I swear the water had turned to blood. The bathroom floor was drenched in blood. I grabbed a nearby towel and tried to mop it up, but more blood just took it's place.

There was a knock on the door. Jocelyn said, "Clary, are you alright?"

"Yes," I lied. "There just wasn't any plumbing in hell."

I heard my mother laugh nervously.

Isabelle said from the other side of the door, "Are you sure you're okay? Can I come in?"

"I'm alright just give me a second," I yelled. I grabbed more towels and fought to clean up the blood.

Jocelyn called out, "Clary, let me in."

Instead of replying, I hurried over to the door and locked it. They began to pound on the door.

"Clary!" Jace begged. I tried to get my breathing under control. I closed my eyes and tried to count the stars, but I just saw Sebastian. You have a dark heart, Clarissa Fray. I opened my eyes and he stood before me.

"You're dead," I choked.

"Did you honestly think it would be that easy?" He scoffed. "First, our child and then you try to kill me. You're a monster."

I knew it must've been in my head, but I felt the heavenly fire burning in my stomach again. It was worse somehow, than before. I fell on my back. I cried out in pain and screamed for help. Sebastian stood above me, laughing, relishing in my pain.

"Get out," I screamed. He vanished. I was left writhing on the floor, all I could hear was my heartbeat, and all I could do was scream.

The bathroom door flew open and Jace ran to my side. I tried to talk to me to see what was wrong, but I couldn't hear him. Magnus hurried next to me and examined me. He spent a long second staring at my stomach. Finally, he placed his hand on my forehead and began to chant.

The pain subsided. I laid motionless on the floor, wide awake, tears quietly rolled down my cheek.

"I need to be with Clary alone, now," Magnus said to the others.

"I'm not leaving her," Simon and Jace said in unison.

"Now," Magnus repeated.

"No one is going anywhere, Magnus," Alec said. Magnus looked sad, but he only nodded.

"Fine," Magnus said. "Then someone draw her an iratze."

Isabelle pulled out her stele and gave it to Jace. He drew the iratze and I felt myself begin to heal.

"Tell us what happened," Luke said. "You have to tell someone."

"I tore his rotten heart from his chest."

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