Deceived By The Mask - Part 1

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There wasn't another person in the world that got under my skin the way Estella did. There was something truly irritating about her, and I didn't know what it was. I deep down I had always assumed it was jealousy. After all, if it wasn't for her I would have been the Baronesses assistant by now. I would have been the one escorting her to her meetings, having lunches with her, and helping her pick her signature pieces for her next show. But Estella came along and ruined that and there wasn't a day where she didn't make a point about being the Baronesses favourite. However, despite all her bragging there was something about Estella that made me like her, even when I hated her. She truly was one of the most intriguing people I had ever met, which made working with her a whole lot harder.

The bright morning sunlight beamed through the clear glass-celling and on to the factory floor, filling the room with a warmth that felt far too optimistic for a Monday morning. I quietly sat at my sewing machine, working intently on my latest design for the Baronesses next show. Unfortunately Estella was assigned the workstation directly opposite mine, which meant I had to see her daily. Unless she was out and about assisting the Baroness. No matter how much time I spent with Estella, she and I never seemed to get on and I never understood why. Just being in her presence made me feel unbalanced, nervous and for some unknown reason breathless.

She sat opposite me, peering down through her glasses in concentration at her sewing machine. Despite working she still managed to look effortlessly stylish, which only irritated me more. She was dressed all in black as usual. Her scarlet red hair swept across her forehead and fell gracefully down her shoulders, accentuating random criss-cross lapels that she had added to accessorise in her own unique way. I briefly looked over at her and took a moment to appreciate her outfit, after all I thought she looked absolutely amazing. But I could never let her know that. Before she realised I was looking over I quickly drew my eyes back down to my sewing machine and continued on with the design I was creating.

"Y/N". Estella's husky voice called out a few moments later. As she waived her arm in my general direction in an attempt to get my attention.

I carried on working, pretending as if I hadn't heard her. She was last person I wanted to speak to that morning. It was bad enough that I had to work opposite her, conversing with her was worse. So I was quite happy to pretend she wasn't there.

I pushed my foot down harder on the pedal of my sewing machine, increasing the speed, hoping that the noise would drown out her persistent attempts to get my attention. I continued to stare down intently at the fabric, guiding it through the machine, as each stitch made its mark. After a few minutes I couldn't help but sense her looming over me, watching as I continued to work. I tried to ignore it, but it was too difficult. For some unknown reason the feeling of her eyes peering over at me caused my heart to race and created a deep sense of nervousness that radiated throughout my entire body.

I stopped what I was doing and lifted my head to face her. There was a stony silence as my eyes locked on hers, glaring at her in disapproval of the fact she had disturbed me.

"Good. Now I have your attention, pass me the green fabric."  She said in a demanding tone.

"A please would be nice." I replied in annoyance, narrowing my eyes at her.

"Pass me the green fabric, please." She responded with an insincere smile on her face, clearly sensing my annoyance.

I took a deep breath in and reached over, reluctantly passing her the fabric. "There! Happy? Now can I get back to work without any more distractions please?"

"Fine. You don't need to be so childish about it." She sighed as she lay the fabric down on the worksurface, beginning to carefully measure the amount she needed.

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