The De Vils Revenge - Part 7

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I walked the streets of London, trying to find her. It was a bleak early morning. The sun hadn't yet risen, and the was air was damp and cold. I knew exactly where she had gone. The fountain in Regents park. It was where she always went when she was upset. She liked to be close to her mum, to chat with her and spend time with her. Estella was the least superstitious or religious person I knew. But she would often tell me that the fountain was the most important place in the world, that she felt closest to her mum there, and that it was fate that we met there. The boys often mocked her for it, they would always tell her that she was being ridiculous. But I couldn't help but find it beautiful that she thought like that. She really did have the most extraordinary and beautiful mind in the world.

With little thought, I urgently made my way there. Once I arrived at the fountain, I stood back watching as she took a moment to be with her mum. As I watched her pouring her heart out to the fountain, I couldn't help myself from thinking about the day that we first met there. That day I watched her in awe as she sat there drinking tea from a tea cup and talking to the fountain. Anybody else would have thought she was crazy, but not me. I couldn't keep my eyes off her, despite trying my hardest not to stare. I saw the most breathtakingly beautiful girl in the world, doing as she pleased, and not caring about what anybody thought of her. That was one of the things I loved most about her. When she approached me in the park afterwards, I knew that she was my destiny.

Tears streamed down her face Estella tuned and walked away from the fountain towards the gate that I was leaning against.

"You followed me?" She asked tearfully, her eyes wide and a fragile frown on her face, that told me she might break down at any second.

"Of course I did. You said you would be there always. That works both ways, baby."

"I love you" she said as she let out a bellowing cry, collapsing into my arms, sobbing on my shoulder. I tightened my grip around her and held her closely as I tried my best to console her.

We stood like that, in the park, for several minutes, as the cold damp morning continued growing around us.

"We have to do something. She can't get away with this. Not this time. You know that don't you baby?" She murmured hesitantly, breaking the silence, looking up at me through her teary red eyes.

"I know." I nodded, as I stroked the top of her head. She was right, this time there was no question about it. The Baroness needed to be taken down. Estella deserved revenge now more than ever.

"We're never going to be able to do it alone." She said "We need Jasper and Horace, John said they had been arrested. We need to get them out as soon as possible"

"I know, lets' get you home first. We're both exhausted. We can think about that after."

Fighting her exhaustion, she nodded reluctantly. She knew that she wouldn't be able to think of a coherent plan to get them home safe, without sleeping first. So with that, we walked back to John's get some rest.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

"Are you serious?" Jasper exclaimed in shock at the plans Estella had just explained to him.

"Deadly." Estella replied, smirking and raising her eyebrow at him.

"Y/N come on back me up here. Tell me you haven't agreed to this?" He looked over at me in desperation, as I stood causally, arms folded in the door way watching as Estella explained everything to them.

"Of course I have, Jasper." I responded. Jasper gave me a look of disappointment before rolling his eyes

"Then you're both as insane as each other." He pointed at me and then at Estella. "You're a good match. Enjoy your crazy life together but I'm out."

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