The beautiful red knight

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"BEGIN!" Yelled the announcer and two knights battled it out for the next seat on the round table. The blue hedgehog watches as a white hedgehog battles the green hawk. Along his side was the three current knights of the Round table. "My King-" the blue hedgehog raises his hand to silence the ebony hedgehog. "Not a word until this battle is done" the king said. The ebony hedgehog bows in apology. The white hedgehog defeats the hawk and the crowd cheers. "SIR SILVERTON HAS WON!" The announcer proclaimed. "Sir Gawain go and test him further" "Yes my king" the red echidna bowed. The crowd silences as the king stood up. "Congratulations Sir Silverton but now you must complete one final task. You must show your worth by battling my strongest knight." The king proclaimed and the crowd along with the other two knights gasp. "My king sir Gawain will kill him..." "Percival is right my lord..." "Settle down you too I spoke to Gawain and he shall not kill only to test to see if he has potential to train under your three" The king smiled. Gawain walks into the area in his dark maroon armor drawing out his swords. The white hedgehog draws his sword back out. "BEGIN!" Gawain wasted no time and attacked. He was impressed by the white knight blocking his strikes. He pushes the maroon knight and attacks with a impressive strike but it wasn't enough to keep Gawain down. He lunges at the white knight and defeats him. "Sir Gawain what do you say about Sir Silverton?" The king asked. "HE IS WORTHY" Gawain proclaimed and the king nods in approval. Gawain hold out his armored hand. "Congratulations Sir Silverton." He said and the white knight nodded taking his hand. The crowd cheers for him as Gawain bows in respect for him as did Silverton. "Remove your helmets knights the battle is won." The king proclaim. Percival blushes once the sun shines on Silverton's golden eyes. Gawain removes his and his long red fur flows as he shakes the sweat upon his head. Lancelot stares at Gawain realizing how stunning his purple eyes were under the sun and the sweat makes his red fur glow. "I never realized how beautiful he is....." Lancelot thought feeling his heart race. "Such a stunning creature and so close in my grasp~" the king thought watching Gawain. Lancelot notices the way the king is looking at Gawain. "He desires him..... if I was to peruse his heart the king will surely behead me to win Gawain's heart. I must get him off my mind...." Lancelot thinks. Gawain walks out of the area and Lancelot meets him in the stables. "Great work Gawain" Lancelot smiled. "Thank you Lance" Gawain replied feeding his horse and pulls out a small pipe. "Steady Ester you know it's to help your eyesight big girl." He talks kindly to the stunning brown horse as he gives it a few small drops in both eyes. "There all good" he smiles giving her a sugar cube petting her silky main. Lancelot smiles. He had always admire Gawain's kind nature despite his battle scars. "You really are good with her" Lancelot said. "Well I have raised her since she was a filly." Gawain smiled. He grabs a brush to brush the horse and Lancelot joins to brush his dark Grey horse. "Was Silverton really worthy?" Lancelot asked brushing out the tangles of the black main. "Yes I was very impressed. His blocking skills are strong but needs a little more work. He strikes are excellent and doesn't need much training on that. I say we found a solid knight." Gawain smiled finishing up. "Good" Lancelot said. "Is there something else on your mind?" "I'm sorry?" "Lance is there something on your mind? You know I can tell without looking at you." Gawain said amd Lancelot sighs. "If you were in love with someone but you know another seeks the heart of that person but you know that if you pursue that heart the other will kill you in order to win that person. What would you do?" He turns and looks at the echidna for an answer. "I say don't let that fear stop you from the one you seek. If the person you seek feels the same they surely will not let another gain their heart." Gawain said. "Even if it's forbidden. Love will conquer in the end" Gawain finished grabbing his saddle and place it on his horse. "I'm going for a ride in town do you wish to join me Lancelot?" He asked. "No thank you Gawain." Lancelot smiled brushing his horse. "Alright I'll be back soon" he said and rode off. "I love you Sir Gawain....." Lancelot whispered to himself.

"Maybe I should've told Lancelot...."

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