Glowing Stone

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"The king did what?!" Percival said eyes firing like literally firing. "Percival your eyes are on fire again." Lancelot said. "I do not care he had no right!" She hiss and Gawain splashes her with water. "Gawain...." "I will splash you again if you don't calm down." Gawain said and she breathes. "So what are you going to do Gawain?" She asked calmly but still mad. "Keep my distance from the king or have you or Lance join me when I am summoned." Gawain said. "And your alls forbidden love?" Gawain and Lancelot look at each other then back to Percival. "For now it is to stay a secret we even pleaded with the Lady of the Lake to keep it a secret in case the king seeks answers from her." "Thankfully she agrees and will let us be alone in her secret caverns if we desire to be alone." "Good because the king will do what he can to win your heart Gawain." "The King wants to win Gawain's heart?" Silverton said walking in. "HOW MUCH HAVE YOU HEARD?!" "Lance calm down." Gawain said. "Just the part about the king wanting your heart." Silverton bowed in respect. "It's a long story Silverton come let us start your training." Percival said. Silverton nods and follows the three knights. "I can't believe I'm training with the best of the best! This is like a dream come true!" Silverton smiled. "Sir Gawain Sir Lancelot the king has summoned you to the throne room." They look at each other. "Of course" they said. "Come Silverton I shall train you" Percival said and they head out.

Gawain and Lancelot enter the large throne room where the blue king sat on his golden velvet throne. They bow to the king. "You summoned us" they asked. "Yes I have a tasked for you both. The King and Queen of the kingdom of Italla requested this treaty of combining our kingdoms to provide each kingdom with crops and wool. I have already signed it so I need you two to ride to the kingdom of italla to deliver it." The king said. "So rest up for the long 2 week trip ahead of you dismissed" he gives Lancelot the treaty and we leave the throne room. Deep down Gawain felt like the king was up to something. Why would he send him away if he is after his heart. Does he plan on spying on them through Lady of the Lake? Gawain thinks and heads to her with Lancelot.

"Lady?" Gawain said walking closer to the glowing crystal blue water. He watches as the pink hedgehog raises from the water. "Sir Gawain. Sir Lancelot I been expecting you come." She said in her angelic voice. They sit under the white sparkling gazebo surrounded by the water. "Take these" she said handing them both a blue and white marble river stone tied and wrapped around leather. "Where these on your wrist when it glows white it will warn you that the king wishes to spy on you. If it glows blue it means he is currently watching you. So watch out for the white light. And don't worry he won't see the stones" She said they nod and place the stones on their wrist. "Thank you Lady" they bowed and left to go back to the palace.
Gawain packs a few clothes in his large satchel and a journal in the smaller one. The stone starts to glow white he continues to pack but deep down he wonders how long has the king been watching him. Did he see the kiss between him and Lancelot? No he would've just sent Lancelot on his own if he knew. Soon it was blue which made him feel sick. The door knocks and he walks up to open it seeing Percival. "Hello Percival what brings you here at this hour?" "I heard the king is sending you and Lance to the kingdom of Italla." She said. "Yes I just finished packing" "I have a request my old friend Dawn lives and owns a tavern in that kingdom. If you or Lancelot need a place to sleep before riding home she be happy to give you some rooms. Just mentioned my name and give her this pendant." She said handing Gawain a rose pendant. "She loves flowers" she smiles. "I will and thank you Percival." "Good night Gawain." She leaves and he shuts the door. He still sees the blue light and doesn't want to change knowing the king is watching him. But he had to act natural so the king isn't suspicious. He pretends not to see the light and removes his vest.

Meanwhile with the King

He licks his lips as he watches Gawain remove his clothes. Once Gawain removes his shirt he admires the echidna's god like body with scars down his back. "Hard to believe you were once a slave under my cruel Uncle. Yet you showed him that you are stronger than you look and defeated him. My father made you the Knight of Strength once Lady of the Lake sent you on your quest to find your sacred swords. Now 10 years later you are the most feared yet kind and respected amongst the knights. How I desire your body and your soft lips against mine~ I hope you enjoy your time away from Camelot because once you return my darling knight....." he smiles walking away from the looking water making Gawain's stone stop glowing.

"I shall make you my bride"

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