Gawian's Past and secret

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I was taken away from my family when I was 6 years old and watched the brutal king kill my father and raped my mother. He kept my mother alive for a year and would constantly rape her. Soon he grew tired of her painful screams and killed her during the last rape he performed. I was forced to become a slave at 8 years old. The king would whip me if I was to spill his wine or I was to slow. At 14 he forced me to rape a young girl in his chambers. He whip me when I tried to stop this ungodly act against such a innocent soul. He took pleasure watching this happen and I felt sick for hurting this girl. He pulled me off because I wasn't going rough enough for his satisfaction.. He raped this girl with no mercy and her screams filled the palace halls. I watched as her eyes fade when the king choked her to death. He commanded me to remove her body and feed it to the pigs. Instead I buried her next to a tree in the back of the castle. The palace staff watched me as I started to cry on this innocent girls grave how her young life was cut short in the hands of someone so cruel. It was that day I vowed to get stronger and kill the king. Two nights later I managed to escape the palace and ran until I couldn't anymore. I soon found myself in Camelot where I was shown kindness by a couple who gave me food and drink. Turns out that couple was my kings kind brother Arthur and his wife. I pleaded with them and begged them not to send me back and that I wish to free my people from the cruelty of his brother. They brought me back to their castle and the queen with her servant washed the dirt from my arms. I was still a kid after all. When I heard the gasp from the queen I knew she saw the scars on my back from being whiped during the years of torment. I told her my story from my parents to the young girl in tears. Then she told Arthur who was angered by this. He sent me along with another young boy whom I bonded with on our journey to see the Lady of the Lake. That boy was Lancelot. Once we arrived we were put through three test and passed them all. She showed us the sacred swords that we possess today. I started training non stopped and felt myself getting more and more stronger. 2 years later at 16 I was finally ready to face my tormentor. This time I wasn't alone I was joined by Lancelot and the new knight Percival as we stormed the palace. I stood in front of the king who stared at me in fear. I didn't give him a chance to plea for his life and I sliced off his raping tool, stabbing him in the chest and beheaded him. I walk to the balcony and held up the dead kings head. The people cheered knowing they been set free from his harsh rule. Arthur and his queen welcome their new citizens with open arms. Since then the kingdom was filled with joy and peace. Until a sudden illness had taken the lives of the kind king and queen 7 years later. His son Prince Stolas soon was crowned the new king and ruled like his father once did. Deep down I started to develop feelings for Lance but I denied them and kept it a secret until my 26th birthday. When the king made a advance at me. I remember running to the training grounds and butcher the fighting dummy. When I hear Lancelot's voice I felt calm and safe with him so I told him what had occurred. Then he admitted he has feelings for me and I knew it was time. Once we kissed I felt complete and never want to lose him.

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