Gawain's journal entry part 2

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We arrived at the Kingdom of Italla but we were weary from the ride and the moon lit the night. We entered the tavern where a woman with auburn hair smiled at us. She introduced herself as Dawn and we knew this was Percival's friend. We mention Percival's name and handed her the pendant and she gladly gave us rooms for the next few nights. She asked us to tell the queen she said hello and hope she is doing well. It turns out the queen was once a servant girl and the king fell in love with her. He had courted her and showed her great kindness making her fall for him. Dawn was happy for the queen but sometimes misses her good friend.
It made me think about how lance treats me verses the king. The king sees me as a prize while lance shows me kindness and I can be myself.

Forbidden loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora