Prologue: The DREAM (???)

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Nova's POV:

I was running...except I wasnt me at least not in my dream 

My body was covered in a gradient of silvery-white sunrise orange (like my hair irl), and dark brown  fur as I raced the wind

Zipping past trees and jumping over fallen logs,   I was unstoppable and fearless. i Never have felt so much power coursing through my body Adrenaline burst from my throat and out my mouth (or should I say snout) as I howled at the moon!

the next thing I know, I'm ON the moon... my paws kicking up moon dust as I strut around, prancing around the from craters. I myself than I ever have before. 

Suddenly A low growl suddenly echoes from behind me and I spin around.

the biggest black wolf Iv ever seen stands tall and menacing It growls at me again teeth bare. I try to take a step back, but I cant move. I try to bark, but I cant.

I can't be sure, but judging by the size and the power radiating from him the wolf is a alpha male. His dark black eyes narrow into ice chips at me like  arrows aimed at a flaming target. All of a sudden, he lunges for my throat and

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