A: tell the truth

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I can't stay silent I have to tell the truth! Even if it's unpleasant and they will hate me I have to tell them..
Shuichi: guys I have to tell you something important!!
Kaide: huh? Ok what is it shuichi!
Shuichi: I... remember it all.. I'm sorry I lied I didn't know how you all would react!! I didn't want to lie but was lying the only thing I could do??
Makoto: oh. It's ok shuichi! I understand! But your friends.. might not
They all stood up and ran up to me! I expected them to beat me up badly but they hugged me?
K1B0: it's ok shuichi we understand that you had no choice!
Kaide: you made mistakes but it's ok we all do!
Maki: you were our friend and you still are!
Shuichi: I.. thank you all! I was wrong in the past and I will try to fix them! I'm for sure going to be better in the future!
Kaito: you are that same weak detective I met in danganronpa!
Ending: the truth is the best to be told Next will be ending B: keep the truth a secret!

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