C: kill everyone

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I have to kill them.. it has to be done! And who better to do it then me! I will for sure do it with my bare hands
Shuichi: hey Kaide can we talk?
Kaide: sure shuichi! I hope that we can recover the friendship from when we were in the game!
Shuichi: yeah! I hope so...
Everyday someone from our class went "missing" until we found kiibo's corpse! There was an immediate investigation on this cace then maki disappeared so it was me, Kaide and himiko left
Shuichi: what is going on!
Kaide: someone is killing off our classmates!
Himiko: w-what!!!
Kaide: they found kiibo's corpse!!!
Shuichi: what's next?? Himiko going missing?
Kaide and himiko: DONT JINX IT!!!
Shuichi: night guys!
Kaide: night!
I wait until everyone is asleep then I grab himiko by the back and lift her up! She was kinda heavy but I could take her, I took her to my torture room then put Kaide there with a fake me who was my brother, Haneal.
Kaide: WHERE ARE WE???
Haneal; I don't know!!! Wait why am I-
Shuichi: can you three shut up? I'm trying to find a gruesome way to kill you all!
Himiko: p-please don't!
Shuichi: first my brother!
I slash him with a chainsaw and brutally killing him by cutting him in half
Himiko: SHUICHI!!!!
Shuichi: oh that's not shuichi Thats Haneal, my twin brother
Kaide: still you killed someone!
Shuichi: I'm sure your "friend" will save you
Himiko: he will! We have hope so it won't fail now-
As she said that something happend
Makoto: put your hands up!
Shuichi: oh you want me to drop the rope to drop them in lava?
Makoto: then put the one that is empty up!
Shuichi: ok ok fine..
Makoto: now let's see what's behind you mask-
He takes off my mask revealing the maki mask I had
Kaide: maki???
Makoto: nope we found maki in the ditch today! Now let's see your REAL face
He took off my mask revealing my face
Kaide: SHUICHI???
Shuichi: oh well. Looks like you caught me! But it wasn't me who killed the others! I'm innocent but not really I just killed the culprit, Haneal!
Makoto: really? Well nice job!
Shuichi: sike...
I pull the trap door lever dropping makoto into spikes and dropped the rope so himiko and Kaide burned to death! Was it worth it? Did I do right?

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