Nice to meet you

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-It's a normal day on cybertron. Everybot is happy and having fun, racing and talking to fellow mates or conjux's -

-knockouts pov-
I walked down the streets of iacon " everyone is so happy.." seekers in the air flying around cars racing, i wished i could do that but ill be killed! My carrier and sire hate that racing stuff, unlike me, who loves it! I continued walking. I needed to get to the academy before I was late! I ran down the streets and bots were looking at me like I was crazy!  I wasn't going to make it in time for sure so I transformed back into the car and I raced down the streets then I saw a navy blue mech about my age also running  to the academy
"hello?"  The guy looked like he was just in a fight! I had to help him. I transformed back to normal " what happened to you?! You look like you were in a fight!" he looked nervous when i ran to him I get it, a random teenage bot running up to you is weird " yea...I was but i need to get to the academy before im late im sorry but I gotta go!" " wait! I'm going there to wanna go with me. I know a faster way!" " I'm not sure..who even are you?" " I'll tell you on the way, come on!" I grabbed his hand and we started running "I'm knockout! You?" he was lagging behind a bit, he was a wrecker for sure. " I'm breakdown! Can you go a little slower?!" " sorry!" I slowed down for him to catch up with me. I gett it. I am fast. We ran to the academy " hey this is my number if you wanna call me!" " Wait, aren't you the fastest one in my class?" " maybe? Are you going that way?" "yes!" " Well, come on!" we both sat down in our seats and class finally started after hours and hours the bell rang and i walked over to breakdown " soooo whatcha doing?" I looked over on what he was doing " UMM NOTHING!" he slammed something down but i wasn't worried about it " wanna come to my place later? You have my number" " im not sure knocks.. I'll call you if I can come or not?" " alright i might see you later it was nice to meet you!" i laughed i finally had someone to talk to after years! I walled home " carrier!!" " what is it knockout?" " I got a new firend!" " thats nice whos the femme? " " mom its a mech not a femme" " maybe you should try and get one hm?" my carrier always joking around about me getting friends that are femme's i walked to my room and just waited after about an hour i got a call "knockout its for you"
" coming!!" I ran down to the phone " hello? " " I'm coming to your place at 7:00!" " Alright, see you later! Bye" " bye knocks!" " I gotta get ready! He's coming over! Ok I got 2 hours. I gotta get ready! He's coming over! Ok I got 2 hours. what to do what to do...."

-breakdown's pov-
After calling knockout I was quite happy I finally wasn't an outcast to someone! But I'm not sure how his carrier and sire will react about me. But I wanted to go outside, it was a nice day but the problem is that because I'm a wrecker and that I'm in a whole city of racers! The last time I went outside was when I got beaten up, and I don't want that to happen again. But I still went outside I needed more energon to, I'm just a college student with no parents living near me. I massage them but I never get an answer anymore but I'm fine with it, I'm used to being ignored ill i'm hoping that knockout's parents like me.. And I don't know how to say knockout that...nevermind he probably doesn't like me like that. I changed my mind on going outside and I just watched that comedy show that I love. " jeez, time went by fast i should get ready." After getting ready I walked outside seeing all the fast cars and seeker driving and flying everywhere. Then he came down. " breakdown! What are you doing?" "ugh, what do you want, starscream." " nothing! I just wanted to know what you're doing! Racing with the other seeker 's gets boring, and I saw you so I stopped by." at this point I wanted to leave because time was getting short. " scream I gotta go we'll chit chat later." I got a call from someone, it was knockout. " Break, do you know where I am?" " Yes, remember in class at lunch you told me?" " Oh yea! Nevermind bye!" After about 5 minutes of walking I got to the house. I knocked on the door and there he this point it looked like we were on a date. " Come in!" knockout seemed really happy to see me and when i looked up there they were, his parents. " h-hello! Mrs?"  " blackout honey." his carrier has type of accent ( southern ) " and?'' " speeddevil. Who are you?" " im breakdown your son's friend." I had no idea what I could do. But I think someone else did.

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