Hiding It

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Summary~ On the day of an important show the youngest bandmate becomes so sick, but he is afraid that his members and the love of his life will be disappointed in him. So the only thing he could do was hide his sickness!

Zach's POV

I rushed out my side of bed as I didn't have a chance to look at the clock. I ran quickly to the bathroom emptying the contents from my stomach and it was painful. I griped the toilet bowl so hard that my knuckles began to turn white. After a bit I finally had the chance to catch my breath before I fell back against the bathtub. My stomach was churning so violently and I had no idea where the feeling came from. Soon my mouth began to water and another round of vomit came up my throat. The room was spinning and I began cry because I wasn't sure what was going on. After a while I weakly stood up from the bathroom floor and walked into the bedroom as I climbed back under the covers, hoping the sickness would subside soon.

Y/n's POV

I suddenly turned over hearing my annoying alarm go off, my screen turn on with a picture of Zach and I. He was next to me curled up into a ball with the covers over his body. We shared a room with Jack in our hotel since the boys had another concert tonight. Looking over at the boy he was fast asleep with his arms around his stomach, but I thought it was just nothing. " Z, babe it time to get up you guys have an interview in an hour ", I whispered in the boys ear softy after leaving a kiss on this shoulder.

"Just give me 10 more minutes and I'll get up", he groaned pulling the covers back over himself.

" We don't have time you have an interview in less than an hour", I chuckled lightly.

Zach slowly sat up slowly with a wince in pain as he stood up from his side of the bed. He walked to the bathroom after grabbing a pair of skinny jeans and a nice button up shirt. After walking out of the room he gave me a half smile with his hair still messy.

Zach's POV

I can't believe I still felt sick, my head was pounding and everything was spinning, as for my stomach I felt like I was going to hurl anytime. I really thought by morning I would at least feel a bit better but I felt the same way from last night. The boys were all downstairs in the kitchen Jonah making everyone breakfast before our interview with BuzzFeed. But I wasn't hungry. Usually I would never let down a delicious meal, but all I could think about was anything other than that.

" Hey Zach, come get a plate I made waffles and eggs ", The oldest called out with a smile.

I really didn't want to be rude especially because Jonah always makes the best food, but i just really wasn't hungry. I shook my head no and i walked to the couch and sat and scrolled through instagram. I seen the concerned looks on the guys faces from the corner of my eye but i blew it off, the only thing i want was to stay home and sleep with y/n.

" Hey guys, what going on with Zach ", Corbyn whispered looking at the sick look boy.

" Well when we got up this morning he was hugging his stomach and looked like he didn't sleep very well ", Y/n added peeking over at him.

I looked at my phone since it was about time to and walked to the fridge to get a water. We all headed out to the car and got settled in I sat next to Daniel and Y/n and stared out the window as the car began to moved along. I looked at y/n as she smiled and kissed my cheek.

" baby.......... you ok ", Y/n asked with a concerned look on her face as she grabs Zach's hand .

I grabed her hand and intwined my fingers with hers and lied, " uh yea im fine ".

Y/n's POV

Everyone had the concerend look on their faces after Zach spoke. I knew he wasn't ok, because you could see in his face. He looks miserable. He looked exteremly pale, had tears in his eyes and his hand was resting over his stomach. Who know maybe he had a fever brewing.

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