Forget about it

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3rd person pov 

A while after Grell got back to dispatch and turning in her paperwork she decided to change her office a bit, she moved her desk around and added a picture of Sebastian hanging in n her wall. Just as she sat down her lamp fell and William walked over to make sure she was ok; he felt bad about their fight. He walked in "Are you ok?"he asked and Grell nodded "I'm fine, my lamp just fell."She said cleaning up the glass, he leans down to help "Here, be careful."Which irritated her. "Forget about it William, get out of my office."She sighed as he left and went back to his office. 

Grell pov 

I cleaned up and looked back at my picture above my desk , May-Rin took it when me and Sebastian were on that picnic. It calmed me, William was never like was normally the other way around. I wasn't upset about the fight I'm upset by the fact he doesn't really love me, he only says he does cause of Sebastian. I took the rest of the day off, I was in London getting Sebastian a gift, a stuffed cat; ciel was allergic so it's the next best thing. 

After getting the gift I put it in a box with little candies, I wrapped it and headed to the Phantomhive manor to give it to him. I knocked a few times till the door opened, all I saw was Sebastian then black from his suit. He hugged me, I hugged back then pushed a little"Careful. " I smile holding up the box.

Sebastian pov

I opened the door and saw Grell, I hugged her. I felt her push a little so I backed away , she was holding a box. "a gift, for you."she smiled and gave it to me. I take her hand and walk her inside. I close the door and look at her "Can I open it?"I ask, she nods. I open it and smile , it was a stuffed cat with candies; I don't eat candy but its the thought that matters. She's always so sweet, I hug her lightly and kiss her cheek "Thank you." She smiles as she hugged back "Of course, I love you."her face went red with those words, i was hesitant to say but I did "I love you too Grell Sutcliffe."  

{To be continued brought to you by the stuffed cat }

Grell Michaelis ,New Love Where stories live. Discover now