Chapter 9 - Rescue aboard the Palamecia

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I do not own Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy XIII, the Final Fantasy series or any official characters featured within this project. The Final Fantasy series is owned by Square-Enix, Hiranobu Sakaguchi, and Tetsuya Nomura. Please support the official release.

The airship: Lindblum. The vessel was as important as it was massive, serving as both the mother ship for the entire cavalry air-fleet (as well as their base) and the current base of operations for the rag-tag group of Pulse l'Cie. Lightning stared out with a childish astonishment as the gargantuan craft moved silently and stealthily through the clouds, guarded all around by its usual fleet of fighters. She turned her back on the extraordinary scenery and returned to the current situation inside the conference room, where Hope and Snow (Cloud's sword strapped to his back) were still reviewing the system of phonetics that he, Cloud and herself had developed whilst Fang spoke openly with the man from the previous night.

Lightning almost felt ashamed for not recognizing the man on the spot: Guardian Corps captain Rygdea, the man made infamous for (ironically) his kindness and his lethality, as well as his narcissism. Lightning chuckled softly: she almost felt ashamed, almost being the key word. Turning her attention from her thoughts on the soldier and back to the matter at hand, Lightning began preparing herself for the next chapter of their mission. It was simple: they merely had to locate and procure the safety of the remaining l'Cie, Sazh and Vanille.

The door to the conference room slid open with the hiss of compressed air and in stepped a handsome man clad in a white uniform (with a snowy cape draped over his left arm), a head of long, jet-black hair (pulled into a ponytail) and a set of piercing gold eyes. Now this was a man that Lightning could easily recognize (primarily due to the sky blue stripes forming V's on either of his shoulders): Brigadier General Cid Raines, the Cavalry commander and the youngest in Cocoon history. The man's achievements at such a young age had made him almost as famous as Cloud (again, almost was the key term)!

"Greeting's" he said in a slow, calm voice that could have rivaled that of Hope's father though his expression was grim "It would appear that we have stumbled upon a problem." He flicked on the tele-screen where a News reporter was delivering her big broadcast, as an ominous, bird-like airship emerged from a mammoth tuft of cloud-cover:

There she is, the Palamecia, pride of the Sanctum Sky fleet! This mighty flagship currently serves as a prison for the l'Cie apprehended in Nautilus; the l'Cie will face official sentencing upon the convoy's arrival in the capital. In a display of unwavering dedication to duty the Primarch himself has boarded the Palamecia and focused his personal attention on resolving the Pulse crisis.

Lightning folded her arms as she listened; their mission had suddenly taken a drastic turn away from simple.

"So what's with the freak show?" asked Snow bitingly, as he stared at the screen furiously.

"So the Primarch can stand in judgment of the villainous l'Cie with their execution as the climax" replied Raines calmly, though his voice radiated with a subtle acidity. "The people will cheer their demise and Fal'Cie dominion will be undisputed." Lightning scoffed, all part of the plan she though darkly.

"They're baiting us" said Fang, as Raines turning off the large screen with a whack of his thumb "Trying to draw us out."

"Yeah that's right" said Lightning sarcastically "'Here are your friends, come and get them'!"

"Well if they're daring us to mount a rescue, I'll take that action all in!" said Snow, bashing his fists together in confidence. Raines chuckled and continued the briefing,

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