Chapter 15 - The Return

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I do not own Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy XIII, the Final Fantasy series or any official characters featured within this project. The Final Fantasy series is owned by Square-Enix, Hiranobu Sakaguchi, and Tetsuya Nomura. Please support the official release.

The Materia began to secrete a very odd inky black liquid that ran down the length of his massive blade as though he'd hit it with a hose. Instinctively and reactively, Cloud hastily dragged his hand across the flat of the blade, which accomplished nothing except for drenching his hand in the fluid. It didn't stop there!

The black trickled down his arm like a plague (Cloud flicked his wrist to free himself from it but failed), covering his l'Cie brand, and crawling north towards his neck. The foul liquid pierced through his clothes and contaminating his skin with ice! The air in his lungs froze; he couldn't breathe! It was coursing up his jaw when the distinct smell of rotten cabbage rose to Cloud's nostrils. The frigidity was all over his face now, invading his mouth and ears, and freezing him into the most awkward position; he could feel it creeping towards his eyes. Frozen and paralyzed by the liquid, Cloud was helpless as he was engulfed entirely and then everything disappeared.

Cloud stood there, unable to move or breathe, but as helpless as a conscious stone sinking to the bottom of a lake.

"Got to---got to get free" escaped the words on the last remaining pocket of air from his body; he felt dizzy as his head went numb. "Have to—save---Claire!"

Suddenly, sound returned to him with an earsplitting series of 'CRACK'! His muscles relaxed so quickly that his legs could not support him and he collapsed; Cloud gasped loudly and echoingly as he breathed a free air once again. He sat there, breathing deeply and alternating between painful hisses in the face of his, seemingly, fractured kneecaps and elbows. Cloud waited a moment before standing (mainly to try and keep himself from shaking) when something else struck him; he could not see anything. Raising a shaky hand to his face, Cloud realized that his eyelids remained firmly closed.

"Come on Cloud" he coaxed himself calmly; he fought desperately against the heaviness that pinned his eyes shut. But, slowly and blearily, the weight began to wane and his eyes opened. The air was warm and the sky above was a perfect shade of blue; but he was surrounded by the shade of several concrete mountains.

A soft clatter arose from behind; Cloud spun, gripping his sword ready for the ambush. But there was no impending danger: there was only an alley littered with discarded newspapers and soda cans, with a familiar gray wolf sitting in the center. Cloud sighed with a mixture of exasperation and relief.

"Why did I have a feeling you wouldn't have trouble getting here too?" Cloud asked the Wolf whose eyes gave off the effect of a mischievous grin.

"So where are we?" the wolf did not respond but stared blankly at him (suddenly the thought crossed his mind: why was he talking to a wolf and why was he expecting it to answer?). However, as he looked deep into Fenrir's glassy-brown eyes, Cloud had the depressing sensation of being alone. Even though he was used to being on his own, this was different: he didn't topple Shinra or kill Sephiroth (something that he failed miserably at) alone. For the first time in a long time, he wished that he wasn't alone: he wished Claire were here. However, Fenrir gave a sharp growl, his ears flattening and eyes ablaze. Just then the oddest sensation crept up his arm; a sharp tickle surged through the sinews and making his eyes drop: his sword was vibrating!

This, however, proved itself to be inaccurate as the blade acted as liaison between arm and something was shining a bright, metallic blue. At once Cloud removed the silver Materia and the vibrations changed immediately to gentle, but unexpected, warmth. It pulsed once, and then again; since he'd gotten it, Cloud had never known the small orb to mimic a heartbeat. However, the warmth and gentle pulsations were comforting, and when he held it, it felt like Claire was near, encouraging him and revitalizing his resolve. Cloud smiled to himself, realizing the connection the Materia was forging between the two of them; he turned back to the wolf

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