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I do not own Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy XIII, the Final Fantasy series or any official characters featured within this project. The Final Fantasy series is owned by Square-Enix, Hiranobu Sakaguchi, and Tetsuya Nomura. Please support the official release.

"Cloud Strife?" came the dead but thoroughly shocked voice of Dr. Shelke Rui; "Wha—T-This is such a surprise, after our last meeting...I didn't think that you and I would ever speak again."

Cloud chuckled at how flustered she was; by her own statistics he was supposed to have died the previous week, but after helping save Cocoon the first thing he'd done was call his friends to say hello (much to their surprise).

"I understand how you feel Shelke, but the truth is I'm as amazed as you are," this was more than likely a lie but Cloud let the comment stand; the other end was silent for a moment before she spoke again with her composure intact.

"Well how can I help you?"

"How's your withdrawal?" he asked seriously, he could hear Shelke gasp slightly;

"It's progressing slowly...look Cloud, I'm sorry but how is this possible? How are you still alive?" Even for Shelke the question had been badly worded, but Cloud didn't give this a second thought and proceeded onto his point.

"I've figured out how to beat the withdrawal Shelke!"

The other end of the line was silent for a moment before Shelke replied in an interested tone "Go on."

Cloud went on to tell her about his (by Sazh and Snow's count) fourth encounter with Sephiroth and the revelation of the contact between Fal'Cie and Mako energies appeared to cancel each other.

"I'm impressed Cloud Strife," she said, her dead voice flickering with excitement. "If it isn't too much to ask, I'd like to do another blood test; if what you say is true, then significant levels of Mako will have dropped in your system...and there might be a way for me to beat this as well." She paused and added jokingly "We can add to your list: finder of the cure for Mako Withdrawal."

Cloud laughed appreciatively, agreed to send her another blood sample, before saying his goodbye and shut his phone with a tiny 'clap'. His window gaze wandered out the window of the hut; beyond comprehension, it had indeed been four months since Cocoon had achieved its crystalline throne. The people of Cocoon were still trying to salvage what they could from their upside down lives and, even more so, shattered homes. However, with men like Captain Matsuki to lead the helm, many of them had settled down in newly founded settlements on Gran Pulse (Cloud privately chuckled that the world they once feared had openly and welcomingly become their new home). One such settlement was where Cloud and the others now resided: on a beach off the coast of the Spiran Ocean, a few miles walk from the pillar. With contribution from everybody (under the leadership of Snow and NORA), the town soon flourished and was ironically named "New" Bodhum. After that, the party had mostly gone its separate ways: Hope had opted to remain on Cocoon, with his father, to try and help reorganize the people (especially now that the Sanctum had been disbanded); Sazh and Dajh were busy delivering parts, supplies and other assorted equipment to the other settlements. The last time all of them had been together, had been a week after "the fall" (as many people were calling it).

The five of them (Sazh, Hope, Snow, Claire and himself) had all gone to the site where Fang and Vanille had disappeared. Though many of the civilians had their theories as to what caused the salvation of their home, only the few that had witnessed it knew the truth. It had been a quiet, private moment, each saying a word of appreciation or other flattery, though it remained an unspoken pact between them to never say good-bye.

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