•chap 2•

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"Y/n, Pleasure to meet you as well! Apart from the whole trying to attack me thing." You narrow your eyes, smiling thinly. "Anyways, welcome to hell. Hope you enjoy your stay and if you don't, not much problem!" You walk away after shaking the radio demon's hand.

~Time skip, 3 months later~

You walk up to an odd hotel you heard about on the news, mumbling ; "Happy hotel huh? Let's see how long this lasts." Your about to knock on the door but before you can it opens to reveal a very excited looking blonde demon, she pulls you inside squealing happily "a new member oh gosh! How exciting!!!" You hear a loud gasp before ending up on the floor, you look up wide eyed to see a white and pink spider on top of you "Y/N IS THAT YOU!?! I HAVE NOT SEEN YOU IN FOREVER BABES!" You grin widely before patting the spider, getting up "nice to see you again as well angel" you look around.
The blonde haired demon excitedly bouncing on her heels, a moth demon sending death glares at you, a drunk looking cat demon, a small cyclops demon zipping around cleaning, and last but not least an annoyed looking deer demon standing in the shadows. You meet his crimson gaze for a minute before being snapped out of your trance by the feeling of being shook excitedly, oh and of course the loud squealing noise by your ears. "OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH ARE YOU HERE TO STAY OR BE A STAFF OR?!?!" You cover your ears and sigh "Yes, I'm here to be a member of the staff if I could?" You lightly smile, trying to be polite. You were given a keycard and the radio demon was instructed to show you to your room, since everyone else was busy and angel isn't to be trusted. As you walk into the elevator and stand by Alastor, your ears twitch at the sudden static noise, but when you look behind yourself at him it completely stops. "That's odd..." you get out of the elevator and Alastor shows you to your room; "thank you, Alastor" his usual grin seems to widen "of course dear, if you need anything do call!" You smile wearily before closing your door and looking to your room.
Your room wasn't bad but it wasn't your style, so you pull a little doll out of your pocket and set it on one of the pillows, you make a cane with a carrot at the top of it and slam it against the ground three times, the room's theme turning blue, gray and white
(or your three favorite colors!)
You sigh happily and set a little thin blanket on the window seat and put a framed photo of your brother before setting the doll against it and lighting a few candles near and around it. You smile and pat the doll, sitting on your knees in front of the frame. "Hey big brother, I miss you! I wish you weren't in heaven so I could hug you one last time, but you definitely deserve it, you never did a thing wrong in your entire life." You smile sadly as the candles flames go a bright blue (or f/c) you pat the doll one last time before blowing out the candles and climbing into bed.

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