Thunderclan - Chapter 3

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Ashfur flinched- there sleeping in front of him lay Scourge, the tom was so close, if Ashfur had moved even a mouse length their muzzles would be touching. Ashfur awkwardly shuffled backward-only to let out a hiss of agony. How could I have forgotten about my wound? Ashfur signed as he lowered his head slowly onto his paws-not wanting to risk irritating his injury again.

What happened yesterday? How did I even end up here? Ashfur just laid there, lost within his thoughts.

"Ashfur, was that you?" swerving his ears, Ashfur recognized Leafpool's mew

"Yeah.." I muttered, not even bothering to look at her

The she-cat stood in front of him now anyway, she was glancing down at him with such a worried gaze

"I'm so happy your alive..I didn't know if you would make it even through the night..thank starclan.." she mewed

Ashfur found himself staring at her questionably

Does she really care that much?  

Shaking the thought off, Ashfur gazed up at her, he was silent

"Oh! Are you in pain? I can get you some poppy seeds if you want." she offered

As hard as it was to admit-I was in pain..and poppy seeds...would help..I hope

"That would be nice.." I said

She nodded, before padding off towards the back of the den, and shuffling through her storage of herbs. Once she had found the poppy seeds she bounded towards me again and nudged the two seeds over

"I can only give you two for now. But if it starts to bother you again, I can give you some more later." She said

I nodded as I lapped up the seeds, hopping they would take effect quickly

Once I had ate them, I settled my head back onto my paws

"If theres anything else I can do for you then just tell me and I'll-"

"Leafpool!" Interrupted Icepaw

"Hm?" Leafpool had her gaze fixed on the young apprentice now

"Its Foxpaw! He says his stomach hurts! I think hes dying!"

"Don't worry, Icepaw I'm sure its nothing. where is he? I want to see him." Leafpool calmly mewed

"This way! Quick!" Icepaw shrieked

Ashfur flattened his ears, he could swear her cry would be heard from Shadowclan

"I'll be back soon Ashfur!" Leafpool called over from her shoulder, "Wheres Jaypaw when you need him.." Ashfur could hear her complain

Glancing around he also noticed that the med cat apprentice was no where in sight

The gray tom closed his eyes, after it was finally silent

Might as well get some sleep.. He thought


Ashfur blinked opened his eyes, he could feel a claw prod at his shoulder

Turning his head, he was met with the ice blue glare of Scourge

He looks so...mad..but what did I do?

Ashfur could feel a shiver down his spine as the smaller tom continued to gaze at him

"You awake?" his hiss came out in a whisper

"Y-Yeah.." Ashfur tried to sound as threatening as him but failed

"You do remember our deal don't you?" he asked

ScourgexAshfur (I'll Risk It For You) Where stories live. Discover now