First Blood - Chapter 5

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       Among the brush, the lean outlines of cats could be seen, they paced cautiously through the forest, a large tabby tom seemed to be leading them into what looked like a small clearing. The cats halted in surprise as the tabby suddenly stopped, he gazed hard at the grassy field that lay ahead of him. Cats peered in his direction, among the mangled pelts stood a rather slim tom. 

The lean figure slowly strutted ahead, ignoring the shocked glances from the other cats, his eyes were narrowed as he made his way through a rather high field of grass, dew seemed to soak into his paws and even reached his under belly with every step and the small tom shook out his pelt, the repeated action bothersome. The sun could be faintly seen through the trees, but the air was cold, despite his confident stride even the tom couldn't suppress a shiver as the breeze easily cut through his short coat. 

As if the black tom suddenly existed, the larger tabby, now sprinting after the smaller tom abruptly cut him off. The small cat's eyes looked up at him bitterly, the expression causing the larger tom to step back.

"We mustn't go past here" 

                                                                                           Scourge's POV

The tom sighed in annoyance, both Tigerstar and his offspring shared the same controlling trait, Scourge swiped his tongue across his muzzle, his eyes bright 

...And that's exactly what caused Tigerstar's demise, would the past be repeated? He certainty hoped so

The tom then shivered with bliss as he recalled the feeling of his claws tearing through the brute's fur, he could remember more clearly now, the warm feeling of his blood as it stained the ground , how he cried out by Scourge's doing, and that expression, the one that appeared right before the deathly blow, the wide eyed gaze of fear, focused upon him, staring only at him.

The tom could feel himself grinning wickedly,  an oddly natural reaction for him when these things came up..

His ear then twitched and he frowned

"-shouldn't ever cross the border unless we are permitted." 

the smaller tom slowly fixed his dull gaze at the tabby, which to his surprise was  still going on about something, Scourge blinked slowly as he tried to recall what it was about, but decided he didn't have much intres in the topic

His eyes then slowly sunk down on their own accord, he fixed his gaze on the toms claws

Just as Tigerstar's was, this cat shared the same distinctive curved claws with a sharp point, Scourge's eyes lowered 

He admired them

 After I've killed him...I'll make  sure to claim his claws, he tilted his head at an odd angle, or maybe his fangs..

"-although we use to be at peace with Windclan things have changed and-" 

He didn't bother to listen, he was caught up within his own thoughts, his eyes narrowed

Was this cat really capable of defeating such a powerful cat such as Bone? 

Scourge then scraped at the ground with his claws

No-he had help...that's the only reason they were even able to lay a claw on his pelt, by using pitiful tactics 

 It felt as if a fire roared within his head, he wondered what was holding him back from clawing this cats pelt off-No! That would be too generous, he would gorge this cat's eyes out first. The tom then paused, but wouldn't it be better to allow him to see as Scourge tormented him? The small cat stared uncertainty as he thought wisely upon his decision 

ScourgexAshfur (I'll Risk It For You) Where stories live. Discover now