Consequences - Chapter 9

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There's nothing but darkness...?

Am I?

Dead maybe? 

  ~Ashfur's POV~  

The storming river rippled violently  with motion as the small head of a cat seemed to yank itself above the surface. The figure gasp as he desperately fought for breath, but just as he emerged from the dangerous grip of the water, he was quickly pulled back in, smothered by the countless waves that charged at him.  



is this...

...really happening?

Reality quickly washed away Ashfur's muddled thoughts, he forced his clenched jaws to remain shut as something rugged scrapped painfully against his side-but the pain faded away as the sheer grasp of coldness slowly wrapped itself around Ashfur's body-which was carelessly being thrown around by the river. 

Numbness soon followed after the lowering temperature, the warriors wounds seemed as if they were never there as he allowed the sensation to take over. His paws seemed frozen in place as the numbness crawled throughout his body-Ashfur could feel himself growing weak, he could feel agony ease its way in as his body ran out of air, he could feel that his life would soon come to an end if he remained as he was...

I have to do something...

The gray tom's body seemed to get washed away down the stream, his heart rapidly beating as the chilling fear of death sunk in 

...But why do I have to do something? 

The cat could no longer feel anything-the cold had already eaten away at his body...and it only crept closer

...I already know why

Water slowly seeped into the warrior's nose, it filled his jaws and claimed his body, causing the figure to lay motionless on the riverbed 

I have to do something...

for Scourge...

Ashfur eyes suddenly flew open-only to stare at nothing but darkness. His mind was no longer hazy, and the tom spun wildly around as he noticed just how much his body was suffering. Relief flashed through Ashfur's mind as he felt the unmistakable texture of sand against his hind legs. Quickly the tom pushed forwards with his back paws-propelling his body upwards. 


Ashfur's jaws flew open as he quickly inhaled the cool air, a gentle sense of hope forming in his head as he quenched his body's need for breath-but the tom was quickly shocked as another wave of water knocked him downwards. This time Ashfur was prepared, almost instinctively the gray tom kicked up with his forepaws before  thrashing around wildly like a flailing fish

Once again Ashfur successfully clawed his way up to the surface, his blue eyes were large with what looked like fear and triumph. Now full of a new sense of courage, the gray tom forced his stiff legs to push his body forwards-he moved as if he were running within the water, and surprisingly his tactic seemed to work. 

I-Im doing it?!

The tom's movement was anything from smooth as he awkwardly tried to keep his head afloat-and all at the same time, see where he was going

Maybe I'm half Riverclan!

The cat's thoughts seemed to be bubbling with mild excitement despite his crooked movements and slow pace

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