Bunny Ears

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Alpha Haechan x Bunny Hybrid Female Reader

Warnings - Profanity, Bullying, Verbal Abuse, Haechan is a bit of a asshole ( all of them are at first), Sexual Themes, a little not so innocent touching



Prey attending a school filled with predators nonsense Correct?...Wrong

In your eighteen years of living you would have never guessed that such a law would pass. A law which states that Hybrids and pure blood wolves would be able to coexist together...as one. As clever as it may seem to the men and women in office. Normal everyday people feared for the life of their children and their own.

It wasn't uncommon for a hybrid to come up missing ultimately being abducted by some deranged pack of wolves. Because the wolves where at the top of the food chain most of those cases went cold or just dismissed as a whole.

Mostly omega female hybrids where the ones to suffer. Even the wolf Omegas hated the hybrid omegas. From the Alphas down to Omegas, wolves where treated like royalty. Born into rich silver spoon fed families. Which is why these families where very much against having hybrids share the same space as them.

Especially in the schools, the biggest change was that children, teen and young adults would have to share the same education. The amount of riots there where from the parents just because their precious wolf baby would have to spend eight hours of the day amongst hybrids sickened them.

Being a bunny hybrid attending a school with various predators frightened you. As your breed was apart of the smallest to exist, you and your counterparts where easily targeted.

Attending Neo High School was challenging for you ever since the integration. Being that private schools where no longer "private", a select bunch of public school students; mainly hybrids. Where able to switch schools with little to no problems.

You cursed your Mother mentally for accepting her new job in the city as you clean lunch food out of your hair and ears for the fifth time this week. Her getting this new job as a technical assistant for a well known company. Also meant that your mother, your older brother and yourself had to move. Leaving behind all your child hood friends in your small town was heart breaking plus you had no say in staying or leaving.

The only upside to this new city was that your mother was making a hefty amount of money now. So you all could live comfortably. You no longer had to share a room with your brother; having your own room meant privacy. Plus your mother seemed happy with her new job and finally being able to properly care for her family.

You sighed heavily before crouching down to rummage through your bag for a hair tie. Finding the hair tie you quickly wrap your hair up and leave the bathroom. Breaking out into a slight jog so you won't be too late for your Pyshics class.

A wave of relief washes over you as made into the classroom and to your seat in time. You look around the class to see the usual cliques together holding loud conversations. The Alphas in the back of the class where chatting about the next Omega they where gonna smash. It disgusted you how they so openly talked about these things with no consequences.

" You keep staring you might just be their next meal.." Your best friend Renjun said sitting down next to you.

" I'm not staring..just observing.." You reply with a sheepish smile.

" Sureeee...whatever you say" he rolls his eyes playfully "I missed you this weekend we where supposed to have a sleepover" Renjun pouts.

"I know...Mom had us do spring cleaning early this year so the whole I smelt nothing but bleach and the vacuum cleaner" You grimace.

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