Chapter 2

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     Hooty then focuses his attention on Luz and Amity's relationship, unfortunately for him they are doing great and are in a healthy loving relationship. This is bad because he was hoping he'd find a problem to fix, he briefly considers causing a problem himself. He's happy for them too of course, after all he's the sole reason they are together. Seeing their precious happiness makes him throw away his 85 pages double spaced Times New Roman plan of how to send them in relationship turmoil only to save them, in the trash, or more accurately he unhinged his beak and shoved it down his gullet. It was good nutrients so at least all that work wasn't a waste

     He might be above pretending to solve problems he creates but he knows he's not above meddling in people's lives without their consent, so he decides to stay in his strong suit. He can easily determine that he has a knack for assisting people's romantic lives so he decides for the next 73 days he will dedicate his time to just that.

     He decides to assist Amity's siblings because in his experience when twins become too codependent on each other one will eventually die at the other's hand. He of course speaks from experience as he consumed his twin when Booty became too clingy. In addition to potential cannibalism, he heard from Amity that they were stood up at grom which was sad even to him, who wasn't even invited to grom. Hooty knows despite not knowing anything about these teens he can still find their soulmates with no issue.

     First was the girl, Em, he decided that to find her a match a good method would be to simply find someone her age and call it a day. He sees a brown-haired girl who he's too lazy to do his 3 day intensive background check on. Instead simply gives her a note he wrote on his typewriter that reads "0ir r gc f7ciy6tf effects wen" which is a beautifully written poem encouraging her to ask out Em. He thinks this is sufficient and moves on to the boy one.

     He remembers hearing about everyone's encounters with a depressing young teen who betrayed the house members at every opportunity and figures he'd probably work as an unwilling participant. He stretches out and eats the children. Kidnapping the golden guard was a little tough but the hard part was now coming up with a plan. He didn't have time to build an intricate tunnel of love so he instead regurgitates them into a deep dark hole.

     Unfortunately for Hooty both plans fail. The brown haired girl threw away the paper so Em is still going to die alone, and Ed was now a wanted criminal because he was blamed for the kidnapping and endangerment of the Golden guard. Hooty felt a little bad so he promised himself he would at least try again later for Ed.

     With 3 failures under his belt he then zeros in on Eda because compared to King she had the most hope of finding someone who would be willing to date them. He does an extensive background check on her, as is the protocol. He finds out that she once [retracted] which surprised him . But more importantly he discovers Eda has a plethora of exes but no successful relationships, she was also married once but it ended in an almost instant divorce.

      Hooty knows it is his mission to save this failed marriage, however there is a small issue of the fact her ex husband lives in the human realm. Hooty simply uses his limited bug magic to will a portal to all realms into existence. he then grotesquely detaches himself from the house and slithers his way to edas ex husband.

     After discovering that Eda only married him to steal his las vegas money Hooty returns home disappointed but still determined to help Eda find love. Before he continues, he destroys the portal because it is a bit of an eyesore and he can't think of any other uses for it.

     Hooty looks down at the list of Edas exes and decides to go with the one that seems the most accomplished which is Rainne whispers. He thinks a good way of getting them back together is by crying and writhing on the ground until Eda complies to get him to shut up

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