Life Sucks, But I Think I Love You.

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Jack's alarm woke me up, and I groaned as I knew that I'd have to get out of bed. My ribs were feeling a little better, and I felt like I could walk around a little bit now. Sitting up in bed, I looked over at Jack; his sleeping face looked peaceful and he managed to smile in his sleep. I'd never forget what he'd done the previous night, and I'd be forever in his debt. He was the most amazing person I'd met, and I felt like he was the best friend I'd ever had. I liked that I'd seemed to be settling in well so far too. My parents weren't too worried.

As for the James incident, I was worried. My mum would likely be worried about me going back into school, and I just hoped that she wouldn't make me move again. I couldn't deal with another move, especially feeling like I belonged for once in my life. Jack had managed to save me from my spiralling decent into an abyss of depression once more (despite me knowing him for such a short amount of time) and I felt happy with how my life was turning out. I took another look at the boy who was snoozing next to me. That was when I saw it.

On his stomach, I could see a colourful assortment of bruises and cuts. My heart dropped as I realized what he'd been doing to himself. The bruises, I could tell were not self inflicted. His dad was a dick. After all he'd told me last night, I knew that these were his fault, and his fault only. But the cuts were something else. I didn't understand how he could be in so much pain and feel the need to do such a thing. It looked like it would hurt to move around knowing they were there. Some were fresh, and a couple bleeding.

I stopped staring at them as Jack sat up and rested his chin on my shoulder. I could feel him smiling, which was a relief. If I could make him happy, it was a good start to me helping him recover. I felt good about myself again for knowing I had at least one use. I turned my head to face him, our faces only inches away from each other as I smiled back.

"Morning," He greeted in his gravely voice. I smiled at him and returned the gesture before stretching my arms up and yawning. "Jesus, Lex. You stink." He told me. I rolled my eyes.

"That's kind of what happens when I get hot when I'm in bed," I joked, hitting his arm lightly. Jack sat on the edge of the bed next to me and yawned too.

"I didn't know I had that kind of effect on you," Jack raised his eyebrows sarcastically.

"I need a shower." I told him, changing the subject quickly.

"That you do, stinky." He placed his fingers over his nose.

"You're so mean," I faked a sad look and shuffled across my bedroom and into the bathroom until I realized that I'd forgotten both my towel and change of clothes. "Did not forget anything at all, I swear." I said shuffling back through and picking my things up.

"Go shower, I need more sleep." Jack curled back up in bed as I closed the door to the bathroom. I dropped my clothes on the floor and threw my towel over the side of the sink.

As I stepped in the shower, I let my thoughts overtake my feelings and I began to repeat my usual morning shower routine unknowingly. I knew that as soon as the warm water pelted its way down onto my head, I'd be in a state of subconsciousness. Unlike most people who would be woken up by the water, it only sent me further into a state of relaxation and sent me back to sleep. I was lucky that it did this, as I found it easier to fall asleep after a long shower, and so I got the small amount of sleep I usually had.

I let my thoughts drift into my mind, thinking them through before I dismissed them again a few moments later. Letting your thoughts build up was always a bad idea; it only added to the high levels of stress I already suffered with. My therapist taught me this technique years ago, and it was the only one which had worked thus far. I knew that when I first started to experience the stress of life when I started my first year of high school that it was going to become a problem. I guess I dealt with it early to help my mental capability later on.

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