We Can Dream

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I had never felt so hungover in my life.

I'd lost count of how much we had been drinking after the first few beers, and I had no idea what time I had fallen asleep. I didn't remember why Alex was lying with his arm over my chest, or whether we had done anything, or whether Zack was going to kick us out for doing something- I was freaking out. If I got home and my dad saw me like this-

Oh wait. He wouldn't care.

I moved a strand of brown hair out of Alex's face as he slept, causing him to stir and look up at me. At first, he hesitated and looked confused, but then he rested his head back on my shoulder and closed his eyes again. I took it that it meant that nothing bad had happened, so I settled back down and looked up onto the bed where Zack and Rian were sleeping. I could see a foot poking out of the sheets, and so I decided it would be funny to pull its owner down onto the floor with Alex and I, only to have Rian tumble off the bed and land on top of us both. It was a pile of smelly, hungover teenagers who all needed to shower and sober up, so it smelt like any nightclub the morning after in Zack's bedroom. I heard him groan and shout at me, and Zack laugh from up on the bed. It seemed like a normal morning, although none of us had ever really been this hungover before. I had a terrible headache and felt a little sick from the amount of alcohol I had taken in the previous night. 

After scrambling back onto Zack's bed, Rian decided to shower first and left us to start cleaning up. I didn't mind so much, because it was just like doing the chores at home, only my dad usually made the mess on purpose. We cleaned up at a slow pace, knowing our hungover minds could not work as fast as we wanted them to at the time, and mumbled our conversations to prevent any future headaches from appearing. It was only when Zack got a text from his parents telling him that they were on their way back that we began to panic. Rian picked up the rubbish, Alex and I cleaned the table and kitchen, and Zack swept the floor, leaving the house as tidy as we found it in when we arrived.

"Jeeze, we'd have been dead if they saw it in that state. I mean, they knew you guys were staying, but it would have been obvious that we'd been partying all night to say the least," Zack said as we slouched down on the chairs at the table after tidying up. My head ached more than it ever had and all I wanted was to sleep, but out of the corner of my eye all I could see was Alex, pacing around the kitchen as he continued to put things away, dancing to the radio and occasionally singing along. It was adorable and I resisted the urge to blush in front of Rian and Zack, but with great difficulty. 

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and jumped. I never got messages from anybody other than Rian, and more recently Alex. I pressed my finger to the screen ans sighed at the text from my Dad. It was pretty much just the usual profanities, asking where I was even though he was the one who told me to get out for a while, and typing in all caps. It was unsurprising to see him do this, as he knew that I was probably having a better time than I ever could while at home. He just wanted me to feel like shit 100% of the time. I rolled my eyes after reading over the message and pocketed my phone once more.

"Who was that?" Rian asked. 

"I'll give you three guesses,"  I said sarcastically. He chuckled. 

"Hey, Zack?" Alex called from the kitchen. Zack walked into the kitchen and I heard the beginning of a small conversation. I looked at Rian, who I noticed was looking in my direction. 

"What?" I questioned him. He continued to stare and smiled. 

"You like him, don't you?" He asked. I did blush this time.

"No shit," I muttered. "He's way out of my league."

"Don't get hurt, Jack." He told me. I felt my stomach drop. It was as if Rian could see what was going to happen before it actually did. I knew he cared for me, just like I did for him, but this was strange to me. It was a foreign feeling I hadn't truly noticed before, even though we had always cared about what happened in each other's lives. I knew that he didn't want me to get hurt like I did when James did what he did. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2017 ⏰

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