Help Me.

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"Look Barafag, your wife's passed out," Clyde yelled at me. I was becoming light headed, but was fully aware of what was happening. I wanted to help Alex; but with me being held up, I was doing no good whatsoever.

"Let me go." I demanded, my voice cracking and croaking as I spoke. James laughed and dropped me to the floor, letting me immediately scramble over to Alex's side.

"You're not worth the time, Barafag. I can't wait until your boyfriend realizes that you're a worthless piece of shit too. Maybe then you'll pipe down and go back to where you belong." He laughed as the group of Jocks walked away, but he had waited behind for a few moments. "And if you didn't know, your place is on the floor," He laughed and pushed me down next to Alex before stalking off. I carefully lifted Alex's head up and pulled my spare hoodie from my locker, placing it lightly under his head, I moved his hair from his face.

"You're going to be fine, Alex." I told him, although I knew that he couldn't hear me. I saw a cut on his forehead, and rummaged through my locker for something to ease the bleeding. Spare bandages. Perfect.

"Mr. Barakat?" I heard a feminine voice from behind me. I turned, not taking the bandages from Alex's head. The school nurse, Lucinda, stood behind me, looking absolutely horrified. "What on Earth has happened?" She asked in he thick British accent. He wavy blonde hair was all on one side today, and she looked quite attractive.

"James." I told her simply, knowing that she'd understand. She'd dealt with my injuries from the Jocks in the past, and had always believed what I'd said about James. She also supported me with everything I did, especially when I first told her about my secret.

"Lets get him to the First Aid." She said, lifting his head up and checking his vitals briefly. A small crowd had gathered around by now, but I ignored them completely as I locked my locker and picked Alex up bridal style. He was extremely light, and I found it easy to carry him.

It took no time to get Alex sorted in the First Aid room. Lucy checked his ribs and told me that she suspected a few were broken. He still hadn't woken up, which worried me a little, but Lucy reassured me and told me that he'd be fine.

Then it was time for my check-up. Nothing but a few bruises and a couple of scratches on my arms from a broken locker (Yeah, a 'broken locker'...) In fact, this was the best I'd came out of a run in with James. I felt awful for Alex getting hurt, and so insisted on staying until he woke up at least; not like Lucy had a problem with that, she understood both my concern for Alex and my being disinclined to sitting in the same room as James for another hour.

"So he attacked you for no reason?" She asked curiously as she bandaged up my left arm. I shrugged, causing a bruise to sting on my shoulder blade. I winced but continued.

"He's always been like this. He could see that I was stood with Alex and decided that it was the perfect time to-" I paused and looked at Alex, who was lying in the bed to my right. "Are you sure he's going to be okay?"

"He'll be in a bit of pain when he wakes up, and there's a doctor on his way to check his ribs, but he should be perfectly fine in a few days." She explained, finishing the bandaging of my arm. She stood up straight and smiled at me. "I'm going to have to call your parents and inform them though," Her smile faded.

"No." I stood up quickly, my eyes pleading her. "Uh... My Dad's away on a business trip this week, so my sister's looking after us." I told her. She nodded.

"And you know Alex's parents?" She asked. I shook my head slowly. "Well, you might have got away with the dreaded phone call, Jack, but your friend here hasn't." She ruffled my hair.

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