Just Two Guys

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Alex's parents didn't come home too late that night, but it still gave Alex and I hours and hours to watch films and just spend time together. He was exhausted, and although he tried, he couldn't stay awake for long. I could tell by the way he kept scrunching his face up that he was in a lot of pain, and so, shortly after he'd fallen asleep, I gently picked him up and placed him under the sheets. I sat beside him in the double bed and continued to watch the movie.

Although I wasn't really paying a lot of attention.

My mind was fighting its own battles at that moment; between what was right and what was wrong, whether things would ever get better or stay the way they were... I was so confused, and I couldn't do anything about it. I'd lost so much sleep in the last few weeks that my brain was running low on everything, but I knew somehow that I'd be able to stay strong, if not for myself, but for Alex.

I found it genuinely strange that he had practically read my mind earlier on, and it made me wonder whether he felt the same or was trying to avoid me completely. In all honesty, yeah. I'd only known the guy a few days... But he'd been the best friend I'd ever had in those few days, and I honestly thought that I knew how I felt. Remembering what he said now, I'd tell myself to back off for a while. He didn't want to ruin this friendship we had either, but I couldn't shake the butterflies I felt in my stomach away.

The voice which haunted my mind kept telling me that it wasn't true, but my heart fought it like it would completely stop if I were to ignore its feelings. Although I hated myself, there was a part of me which I loved, and that was the love I felt for Alex.

I looked at the clock on the bedside table.


I decided that now would be a good time to check and see if my Dad had returned, seeing as I hadn't seen or heard any sign of life from my house since I arrived back. There was a black car which I didn't recognise outside, but I figured that Dad was back anyhow. At least I wouldn't have to leave for a while now. That was at least one advantage of being here.

The other was seeing Alex, fast asleep. Peaceful. It made me so happy to hear him snoring lightly as he dreamt, and I liked the feeling of being happy. I could have easily got used to it. I closed my eyes as I lay back down next to him and made myself comfortable. I felt so much more relaxed than I ever had at home; it was probably due to the fact that I didn't have to worry about my Dad and what kind of abuse he'd throw at me next. I couldn't exactly hate him for keeping me alive, but I was barely here mentally because of him.

That's when I felt Alex stirring in the bed next to me. He'd turned to face me and had stopped snoring too, but I lay still although I'd opened my eyes. I felt him nudge my arm and I turned to face him. He rubbed his eyes and smiled at me, making my heart melt in the process.

"Morning," He greeted. I laughed, looking back at the window. It was nearly dark and the street lamps outside were just turning on to their usual orange glow.

"Dude, have you seen the time?" He chuckled. "How are your ribs?" I asked him.

"A little better, they're not quite there, but I can put more pressure on them now" He told me. I had to admit, he looked better from just going to sleep. "Have you slept yet?" He questioned me, closing his eyes for a moment.

"No. I don't sleep very well, I usually just lie awake for most of the night anyway." He gave me a sad smile before attempting to sit up. I helped him when I saw his face scrunch up in pain, which he silently thanked me for.

"You're staying here tonight." He told me, smiling.


"Because I said you're staying, asshole." He joked, picking up the glass of water from the side of the bed which I'd put there earlier. He took a sip and sighed.

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