14. Mission Please the Priors

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Tobias p.o.v

I sit up in the bed and look around. It takes me a minute to take in my surroundings and I feel momentarily lost. Where am I? What happened to my room? When the morning fog fades, the night before comes flooding back.

*The day before*

We sit at the table and Mr Prior guides us in a prayer. A plate of steaming Lasagna sits before each one of us and the smell makes my mouth water. I want to dive in and stuff my face. Who knows, maybe I might actually get to finish it this time. We end it off with a collective 'amen' and start eating. The food tastes, as expected, delicious. It melts in my mouth and I have to stop myself from closing my eyes. The last time I tasted something this good was... when mom cooked. I feel a pain in my chest, like a knife entering, slowly tearing me apart. God I miss her, I'd give anything in the world to have her back. Why did she have to die? Why couldn't it have been Marcus? I take another bite. Stop thinking about her Tobias. She's gone now, there's nothing you can do about it. I have to remind myself to pay attention tonight. I can't zone out like last time. Okay pay attention, focus, don't zone ou-

'Do you like it, Tobias?' Crap. Must I do this every single time? See Tobias? This is why you can't have friends.

'Pardon, sir?'

I expect a lecture. I wait for him to kick me out of the house or take away my plate as punishment for not listening. But instead of doing any of that, Mr Prior just smiles.

'The Lasagna, do you like it?'

I nod, 'Yes, sir. Thank you for the meal.' All bases covered, mission 'Please the Priors' almost accomplished. I can't believe how different Mr Prior is from my own father. If I'd behaved this way at home I'd probably be in my room by now praying to God to spare me my punishment. Mr Prior on the other hand.... not only did he ignore the fact that I had zoned out but he even asked for my opinion... at the table!

Mrs Prior smiled and continued talking to her husband. I allow myself to relax now that the attention is no longer on me.

Only Mr and Mrs Prior speak for the rest of the meal. Caleb eats quietly nodding along to whatever his parents would be discussing. Tris fidgets in her seat and I savour the meal. God knows when I'll have the privilege of eating such a meal again. When we finish I start stacking the plate out of habit. I carry everything to the sink and only when the water hits my hands and I'm scrubbing do I realise what I'm doing.

'Tobias, you're our guest. Let me clean up.' Tris stands next to me smiling softly.

'It's fine Tris. I'm used to cleaning up anyway.'

'Well at least let me help you.'

She grabs a cloth from a nearby drawer and starts drying the dishes. We work quietly, occasionally receiving a visit from Caleb who is clearing up the table.

When we finish, Tris guides me to the living room where the family is gathered. Mrs Prior hands us a cup of hot chocolate each and a blanket to share as we settle on the couch to watch a movie. I haven't had hot chocolate or chocolate itself in such a long time that I actually forgot what it tasted like. My mother used to slip me a bar here and there as a child but when she died it became scarce in the house. Marcus can't have any. A few years back he was diagnosed with a high blood sugar. The doctor told him to cut down gradually and so naturally the very next day it was all gone. I remember that day I'd dared to ask him why I couldn't have any if he was the one with the problem. Apparently it was 'rude' of me to be so selfish and he was just 'looking out for my future'. He didn't want me to have the same problem so chocolate in my house became extinct. The next time I'd had some was when I first met Will and he gave me some for dessert and after that time.... now. Marcus didn't allow any chocolate inside the house and he most certainly wouldn't give me any money to buy. All I could have was chicken, pasta and oatmeal. Basically any type of food that would make you dread eating. Well, at least now I can have apples.

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