27. The Aftermath: Will

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William p.o.v.

"What do you think of this one? I think we could afford it if we cut back on a few things." I say, pointing to the apartment on the estate agent's brochure. Cara sits next to me with a bottle of water as we look for a place to buy. 

"We could arrange a deal with the agent to pay in part payment. Then we could move into a hotel, temporarily and sell the apartment. It would get us more money and besides, we won't need this place afterwards."

I have been living with Cara for about eight months now. At first it was just crashing on the couch but after the big fight with big brother, she let me move in permanently. I, of course, pay half the bills. We finished the course a couple months back and Cara went back to work. I struggled for a bit, what with knowing only a few people here and there in Chicago. I went for interview after interview to no avail. 

But then, this guy came up to me. He said he heard I was a great architect and gave me some work to do. I have never worked so hard on a job in my life. I fixed it to perfection, staying up late at night to get the best drawing possible.

And he liked it!

So then he told more people about me and eventually my name started to spread around town. Nowadays, I'm actually quite well known. Cara and I converted the living room into a studio and moved the TV into the kitchen. I even have a card! Granted I have to wear more ties and suits and such but hey, at least I can afford a bottle of water without having to borrow from my brother. 

...As for the Cara situation, well...

We went out with her parents and for once in my life I made a good first impression. Thank God, I wouldn't be able to bear it if someone were to stop me from seeing her. I love her so much, words can't even describe the feeling. It's like bliss combined with absolute and complete affection. I love how smart she is, and how kind she can be (at times). I love the way her eyes get lighter towards the pupil and how she bites her lip when she's nervous. How she always knows how to comfort someone no matter the situation. 

I love how accepting she is.

During that first week of living with her I sat her down and told her the truth. The whole truth. Starting from John and ending with Tobias. I didn't share the fact that the Mayor used a belt on his son for a solid decade. That's not my truth to tell. I told her that I would leave if she wanted me to. That I would understand. 

Her reply was, and I quote:

"William, I don't care what you could have possibly done in the past. It would be stupid to dwell on it. Just look ahead of you, you're still young. Get back on your feet and take control of the present and the future, I'll be there for you no matter what you need" 

And then she kissed me. Yep. I needed a minute, actually I needed a lot of minutes the get over the perfection that was Cara Taylors. 

I want to propose to her so badly. But I can't afford a ring and, right now, we need all the money we can get. And I want to do things the right way. Not get her some cheap ring, or no ring, just to get things over and done with. I want to give her something special. Because she deserves something special, she deserves the best in the world. I still can't believe she settled for a screw up like me.

"That could work. What about here? There's two bedroom and an office. So you could take the office and I could change the bedroom into a studio. What do you think?"

"It's a good idea. Why don't we go check the place out? When are you free this week?"

She takes out her notebook and I take out mine. (Yeah, I had to start carrying one of these too.)

"Monday, after four or Thursday, till like eleven."

"Let's go on Monday. I have to be at the lab early on Thursday" She says, noting it down on her book.

"Yep sounds good." She smiles at me and I smile back. These are the best moments. When we smile at each other and it's just us in the world. There are no troubles, no problems, nothing. I fixed the drinking problem completely after a few months of living with her. Apparently, according to Cara, she could tell when I was having nightmares. 

'You kept mumbling apologies and, well honey, you have nothing to apologize for. It's alright, now'

She would wake me up and check up on me. She's stay up when I couldn't go back to sleep. She's perfect.


As for Tobias, we still meet up every other week. Sometimes we watch a movie. Sometimes we go out for ice cream. I  bought a gaming system for him which we hooked up at my place; Marcus didn't want him wasting his life on this nonsense. Which I guess I can understand since he leaves town quite a lot and well, leaving sixteen (almost seventeen) year old alone in a house with an Xbox 360, let's just say it doesn't promote productivity.

So we set it up at our apartment and every once in a while he comes over and we spend a whole day rotting our brains on ridiculous garbage (Mayor's words).  We even went out to dinner once, us four. I mean, I had to introduce Cara to Marcus at some point. 


Marcus from what I can tell has gotten much better. Well for one thing I noticed Tobias doesn't call him 'sir' anymore. We've talked, me and him. About mom, about dad, about us. It was a long day but we got somewhere. He didn't apologize, of course, I mean he is still the great and proud Marcus Eaton, but at least we're on speaking terms now. (He wouldn't even let me see Tobias for the first few weeks after the fight, I still did but I had to go in all mission impossible style- it was awesome).


Cara tugs on my arm, bringing me back to the present. She kisses my cheek but at the last minute I turn my face and kiss her lips. One of these days I'll propose. One of these days.


What do you guys think? Nice way to end it for Will? He deserves it. :)


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