Chapter 1

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"Love please can we go to that new restaurant tonight?" Wanda asked her girlfriend who was currently surrounding herself with paperwork.
"Why?" Natasha asked not even looking away from the screen.

"Maybe because I want to go on a date with my favourite girlfriend." Nat chuckled. "Not even close. No."

"I bet my other soulmate would say yes." Wanda mumbled, looking away.

"What was that?" Nat asked raising an eyebrow. "Nat please we haven't been on a date in like forever."

"You only want to go to stare at y/n." Nat smirked.

"I do not! They're not even working tonight." Wanda defended crossing her arms.

"I'm really busy Wanda and I'm not in the mood for going out, why can't we stay in and watch a movie?" Wanda frowned walking over to her girlfriend. "We do that like every night I want to do something else." Wanda straddled Natasha's lap before placing small kisses on her lips. "Please can we go? Please."

Nat sighed. "One more kiss and I will think about it." Wanda kissed the Russian who shook her head. "Nope I'm not going thanks for the kisses though, I love you." Wanda got off Natasha with a huff. "Love you too." She mumbled.

"You're not getting anymore kisses and I'm bringing Steve to movie night." Wanda shouted as she walked out the door.

"Don't you dare." Natasha ran after the Sokovian. "I'm not explaining every five seconds to Steve and you are not taking my kisses." Nat said with a frown.

"I'm taking your kisses and your cuddles. I'm sitting next to Steve because my girlfriend is a meanie."

Nat grabbed Wanda's hand. "Two hours. We go for two hours." Wanda gave her a huge grin. 'Thank you." Wanda said rushing off. "Hey!" Nat shouted making her turn. "I want my kiss." Wanda chuckled giving her one last kiss.

That's how Natasha found herself driving to the restaurant with her girlfriend happily smiling next to her. "If we do go you are not allowed to stare at y/n it hurts." Nat said dramatically. "You do it too and I already told you they're not working tonight."

"Then you will have no problem following that rule then will you." Nat smiled making Wanda roll her eyes. "I can still turn the car around you know." Nat teased as they turned the corner. "But you won't because you love me." Nat hummed.

The two got out of the car and walked into the restaurant. "Hi nice to see you two again." Y/n smiled. "Table for two please." Y/n nodded taking them to the table by the window Wanda loved. "I didn't know you were working tonight. I thought Friday was your day off." Wanda said once she was seated.

"Oh yeah the other waiter is out sick and his girlfriend took him to the hospital so I'm covering both their shifts. Unfortunately for you." They chuckled.

"Or fortunately." Nat smiled. "Is he okay?" Y/n nodded. "He tried to prove to the owner he was a good chef and burnt himself but he's fine." Nat chuckled. "People can be really stupid."

"Anyway, do you guys want your usual?" Wanda nodded. "And can we get some wine?" Nat smiled. "The expensive one." Y/n wrote it down before heading to the kitchen. "You broke the rule." Nat smirked sipping her water. "You did too." Nat shrugged. "They're amazing what can I say."

Wanda hummed, "they're soulmate is really lucky." Nat nodded in agreement.

"Here's your wine." Y/n smiled pouring them both a glass. Nat thanked them before taking a sip. "The food will be out shortly if you need anything let me know." Y/n walked away allowing the two avengers to continue talking.

Nat caught Wanda staring at her tattoo. "We will find them." Nat smiled.

"Yeah I know, I just feel bad. We're here together and they're alone what if they don't have anyone to take care of them?" Wanda frowned. "I mean they're a probably a little because we're caregivers so what if they can't look after themselves?" Nat looked down at the table, she had thought the same thing.

"We need to find them Natasha." Wanda stated finishing off her wine. "I know love, we will." Nat grabbed Wandas hand and squeezed gently. "Here's your food, do you need anything else?" Y/n asked once their plates were laid out on the table. "No we're great thank you." Y/n nodded before walking over to another table.

"You only have one more hour." Nat said pointing to her watch. "That's fine I'm just happy we came." Wanda smiled. "Thank you." The Russian smiled in response.

Wanda and Nat finished eating before Natasha paid the bill giving y/n a $20 tip.

"Natty my feet hurt." Wanda complained once they got outside. "You've walked like twenty steps in heels I told you not to wear."

Wanda frowned. "I know but they really hurt." Nat placed Wanda on her back. "Now you can't complain." Wanda smiled kissing Nat's cheek. "And this is why I love you." Nat smiled. "I love you too."

Wanda fake gasped. "You love me?" Nat sighed. "Not anymore." Wanda slapped her girlfriend on the shoulder. "That's mean." Nat placed Wanda back down once they reached the car. "Is Steve still coming to movie night?" Natasha asked. "No I think I want cuddles." Nat smiled. "Me too."

The two went home to watch movies and cuddle not realising their third was never too far away.

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