Chapter 2

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I wasn't expecting to update again so soon but i quickly finished this and i have a weird problem about having to post a new part the second i finish it.

"Wanda? Wanda!" Nat shouted pulling her girlfriend from her thoughts. "Oh um sorry I was just thinking about y/n." Wanda admitted playing with her fingers.

"They're really nice, do you think we could maybe ask them to be friends?" Wanda asked quietly. "I mean they mentioned not really having friends round here since they moved in so do you think we could invite them round for dinner one time?"

"Love, I think that would be really nice." Nat smiled cupping her girlfriend's cheek. "We will go see them tonight, I love that restaurant anyway." Wanda gave her a huge smile. "Thank you Natasha." Nat placed a kiss on her girlfriend's lips. "Anything for you my love."

So once again not even a week later Wanda and Nat found themselves walking up to the restaurant door, only this time Wanda was wearing more sensible shoes.

They took a few steps in the door and looked around but there was no sign of y/n.

Wanda's face fell slightly in disappointment, sensing this Natasha grabbed the sokovian's hand. "Let's have some food then we'll ask when y/n is working next, we can always come back." Wanda gave a small nod then smiled as she noticed someone in the corner.

"Hey guys, I'm so sorry. We're a little busy today but I saved you a table just in case." Y/n smiled leading the pair to their window table. "You're usual?" Y/n asked clicking their pen. "Yes please." Nat smiled softly. "Okay perfect."

By the time they finished their food and drinks it was almost closing time and everyone else had left. "You guys need anything else?" Y/n asked trying to hide a yawn.

"Well actually we were wondering if you wanted to have dinner with us sometime, maybe Friday? I know you mentioned wanting to meet new people so..." Nat trailed off noticing y/n smile widely.

"Yeah that will be great, I have to go close up and sort out the reservations for the week but I'll see you then." Nat nodded.

When they went to leave they walked over to the host stand where y/n was flicking through a book. "Hi we'd like to book a reservation for this Friday." Nat smirked. "Of course, how many people is it for?" Y/n returned the smirk. "Oh three this time, can we still have the window table?"

"Of course, I will set another chair there myself." Nat let out a small chuckle as they finished the arrangement and left. "Thank you." Wanda smiled squeezing her girlfriend's hand.

"Mhm you owe me." Natasha smirked. "And what payment do you want?" Wanda asked already knowing the answer.

"Kisses." They said at the same time.

"Hey that's not fair." Nat scowled but the sokovian chuckled. "Sorry babe your too predictable. I know my clingy girlfriend better than anyone."

Nat stopped walking, looking down at the floor.

"Nat?" Wanda asked turning around. "Sorry." She whispered avoiding Wanda's eyes. "For what love?" Wanda asked as equally soft.

"I'm clingy and annoying I just don't know how to love people and I know I don't deserve you but when I kiss you- when I am around you I just feel-" Natasha rambling was cut off by Wanda's lips on hers.

"Never apologise for kissing me. I love you more than anything in this world, you may be clingy and stubborn sometimes but you are not annoying me and you do deserve me."

"Safe." Natasha finished look up at Wanda with happy tears in her eyes.

"Im glad I make you feel safe darling." Wanda placed a kiss on Natasha's forehead before interlocking their fingers as they walked back to the car.

"Do I make you- Do you like being around me?" Nat asked noticing her anxiety rising. Wanda let out a chuckle before looking at the spy who was clearly bothered by her reaction.

"I don't wear heels for just anyone you know, I love you so much Nat, you make me feel safe too. You're the strongest person I know Natasha and I am lucky to have you."

Wanda knew Natasha was often insecure about their relationship, it is hard to believe someone truly loves you after being mistreated like Natasha was.

She was unlovable in their eyes... and in her own.

"I promise Natasha, you are my soulmate." Wanda took Nat's wrist, exposing both of their tattoos and holding them next to each other.

"This is meant to be." Wanda smiled. "We are meant to be and I will never stop loving you." Natasha walked into Wanda's arms, the place she felt the safest and sighed.

"Promise you wont leave me if we do find our third?" Nat mumbled against the witches neck. "I promise. I will love you both equally."

"Equally?" Natasha asked pulling away. "Well I don't think it is possible to love anything more than how much I love you so you have nothing to worry about okay?"

Nat gave a small nod. "I'm sorry but ever since we figured out we have another soulmate I've just got this strange feeling like everything will change I guess I'm just a little worried about it." Wanda nodded in understanding and took her girlfriend's hand.

"I was worried to, after pietro and my parents, I was scared to love people again. I was scared... to loose again. But then vision..."

Nat rolled her eyes at the mention of the robot, she was always jealous when it came to Wanda and vision. Which annoyed her, she was Wanda's soulmate, surely she had nothing to worry about.

Wanda ignored the Russian's reaction and continued. "He reminded me that by not allowing myself to love again, I was loosing you anyway. So I decided to open my heart to you and now when I see what I gained from that, I realise that loss would have been my biggest regret. Because I cannot imagine my life without you. And I am sure you will feel the same when we find our little. We can finally be a family."

Nat lit up at the mention of family as the two finally reached the car, they both sat in comfortable silence for the rest of the drive. Every so often sharing smiles and loving glances, Nat even stopping at a light and blowing a kiss to Wanda who looked down to hide her smile.

Their worries seemed to fade into the air as they dreamed of the day they would find what they were looking for.

Hope you enjoyed
Please lmk if you have any suggestions or feedback

See ya next chapter

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