Chapter 5

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Hi again :)


"Should we wake them up soon? It's almost lunchtime." Natasha asked looking down at y/n. "Yeah, give them another few minutes, they look too cute for us to wake them up yet." Wanda added, smiling at the sleepy little. The two went back to their show before Natasha was startled by y/n thrashing in her arms.

"I think I might have to wake them now." Nat said slightly panicked, Wanda looked over and her heart sank a little. "Yeah... y/n, wake up Detka. It's okay it's not real." Nat joined in, rubbing the little's back. They woke up with a cry that broke both avenger's hearts. "It's okay baby, you're okay. It isn't real Come here." Wanda opened her arms, the little reached out for her, she lifted them into her arms and rocked them gently.

"shh I've got you, you're safe." Wanda shushed, Nat left the room for a minute before returning with an armful of supplies. "Okay Detka can Wanda put you down for a minute?"

Y/n shook their head, hiding her face in the witches neck. "Hey y/n, look at this." Nat smiled waving a stuffed animal in their face, their head slowly emerged from its hiding place and their face lit up as the eyes met the teddy. "Do you want him for a little bit?" Nat asked softly.

"Mhm." Y/n replied with a smile, "well then you have to get down. Can wands put you down so you can have some cuddles with the teddy bear?" Y/n nodded, their feet soon hitting the floor.

"Okay now you need a bath little one, so which towel do you want? We ducks, dinos or a teddy bear?" Nat held them out and you pointed to the one you liked the most.

"Ooh good choice, your going to look so cute. Come on let's go get a bath." Nat said cheerily but Wanda shook her head. "It's not gonna work."

"Sure it will, you want a bath don't you dorogoy?" Y/n shook their head, crossing their arms. "No I wan teddy cuddles." Wanda laughed as Nat sighed. "Told you."

"Well teddy wants a bath too. Come on y/n lets go cuddle in the bath." Nat said behind the teddy. Before running off to the bathroom. "Teddy." Y/n giggled running after Nat. "Nope." Wanda said grabbing y/n's arm.

"Wands I wan teddy an natty." Y/n frowned trying to run away. "No you can't do what nat, I mean natty does okay? If you run really fast you could fall and get hurt. You need to be careful."

"But I wan be wike natty." Y/n frowned. "What about if you hold my hand? Or I can carry you if you want."  Y/n nodded holding their hands up. "Wands carry."

"Okay baby." Wanda lifted the little onto her hip and carried them to the bathroom where Nat was waiting.

"Natasha." Wanda sighed.

"What? I'm just trying to make bathtime fun." She grinned pouring even more bubbles into the water and throwing in more toys.

"There's more bubbles than water. Why is the water blue? You know what you can deal with bath time clearly youre the expert." Wanda chuckled placing y/n down.

"Are you excited sweetheart?" Nat asked kneeling down next to the bath. "Mhm." Nat smiled but she could tell y/n was still a little nervous.

"Look at the bubbles y/n" she smiled grabbing a handful and blowing them into the air hearing the little giggle in response made her heart melt. "You try." Y/n scooped a handful of bubbles and blew them into Nat's face.

"Uh oh m sowwy." Nat wiped the bubbles of her face with a chuckle, "its okay y/n look." She scooped up more bubbles and wiped them across her chin making y/n laugh. "Okay are you ready to get in now? Me and teddy will be right here." Y/n slowly nodded.

Nat managed to get the little undressed and in the bath without a fight. "Are you two having fun? I can hear you down the corridor." Wanda looked around in complete shock as the floor, walls and people in front of her were covered in bubbles.

"Yeah we got a little carried away." Nat said quietly. "I see that. Are you having fun?" Y/n gave an enthusiastic nod. "Good. I will go grab you both some extra clothes." Wanda chuckled looking at the wet splashes all over nat. "Yeah turns out littles are good at splashing." Nat chuckled, noticing what Wanda was looking at. "I will try and remember that." Wanda smiled before leaving.

Nat turned over to y/n who flicked another wave of water over the russian. "Hey, cheeky." Nat chuckled splashing them back.

"Here you little monsters." Wanda smiled handing nat spare clothes and a towel. "Come here y/n." Wanda smiled holding out the towel. "Aww that was fun." Y/n frowned standing up. Wanda wrapped the towel around them and carried them out of the bathroom.

"You can have a bath again tomorrow, but next time less bubbles." She chuckled. Wanda helped the little get dressed before placing them in Natasha's bed and sitting next to them. "Do you want to watch another movie?"

"Hey baby, hey y/n." Nat smiled, sitting on the edge of the bed, drying her hair with the towel. "Hey babe, me and y/n are gonna watch a movie if you want to join."

"Of course I do." Nat replied getting comfy next to the little and handing them the teddy bear.

An hour into the movie Nat noticed y/n acting differently, she paused the movie and looked down at them. "Are you okay?" Wanda asked picking up on it too. "Yeah I am... I'm just a little confused."

"Y/n do you know what happened before you fell asleep?" I shook my head. "I remember when we were about to watch the movie my brain felt really fuzzy then when you held me it stopped." Wanda nodded. "That's normal, that was you going into something called little space."

"What happened when it stopped being fuzzy?" Nat asked sitting next to me. "You were still holding me and I felt... safe and happy. I haven't felt like that before." I replied making Wanda smile. "That's because we are caregivers, you need to be looked after when you feel little and caregivers are there to keep you safe."

"How did you know you were... that?" I asked playing with my fingers. "Shield helped us access it, the government holds the information about soulmates and statuses they have pictures of people's tattoos to help identify them too." I frowned at the mention of the tattoos, since that day with my parents I couldn't bear to even look at mine, I usually kept it covered up.

"Well we know we're both caregivers but we don't have a little, or we at least haven't found one yet, if you don't mind me asking... have you found your soulmate yet?" I looked down at the bed, shaking my head lightly.

"It's okay, you will. But until you do what do you think to us being your temporary caregivers or even just helping you sometimes."

"So you guys want to take care of me?" I asked nervously. "Only if you are comfortable with that." They replied.

I paused for a moment before nodding.

I hope you enjoyed :)

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