Chapter 6

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The first few days with Nat and Wanda were going okay, after I left my headspace I didn't go back in it, I just wasn't ready for all that. And I didn't want to burden them with looking after me all the time, especially since we weren't soulmates, it wasn't their job.

I had used up too much time off so I headed back into work, Natasha was against the idea, saying that I deserved a week to myself but Wanda said it was up to me to choose.

Work was pretty slow aside from a few regulars but I was getting tired anyway and part of me wished I just stayed home with Nat and Wanda. I barely finished my thought when I saw Nat and Wanda walk in, "hey baby." Nat said quietly making me smile.

"Hey, you're table is free, let me get you seated." I tried to push away the fuzzy feeling I got when they both smiled at me. "Cut it out. If you make me drop at work I will kill you." I whispered to Natasha. "Baby I have no idea what you are talking about." She smirked, I was about to reply when I heard a noise behind me, a cough that was clearly to get my attention. I turned to see a man sitting at the table in the corner staring at us, impatiently tapping his fingers on the table. "Sorry sir I will be with you in one second."

"Unbelievable." He groaned before going back to his phone. Nat shot Wanda an annoyed look, she tilted her head clearly upset too. "Guys leave it, its fine. What do you want to eat?"

"I will have the uh... hm what do you recommend?" I frowned at Nat in confusion knowing she usually gets similar things and she knows the menu off by heart. But when I hear the guy scoff and saw Nat staring at him with a smirk I knew what she was trying to do. "Nat stop it or I will just get you a peanut butter jelly." I put in Wanda's chicken salad and Natasha's usual order before heading over to the rude guy- I mean the customer.

"Sorry about the wait sir-" He interrupted me with a scoff, "you wouldnt have to apologise if you just hurried up and got me my steak sandwich instead of gossiping with your little friends."

"Who the fuck is mr 5'4 at best calling little?" I mentally face palmed. "Nat stop I can handle it. I'm sorry, I will get your steak sandwich for you right away."

"Finally you decided to stop being useless. Now hurry up." I felt tears prick my eyes as I walked out, hearing all the names he yelled out at me as I did.

Natasha's POV.

After y/n left I walked up to the guys table. "Just some advice maybe if you weren't such an asshole your wife would want to eat lunch with you." I snapped looking at his wedding ring. "Also if I hear you be rude to a single person in this restaurant and I have to come back over here you will regret it."

"If the staff in here did their jobs properly I would. Now mind your own business."

"Leave." I warned leaning on his table. "fine. I don't want to eat here anyway." He huffed getting up, I walked over to where y/n was, and I noticed they were crying. "Baby don't listen to him." I said wiping their tears, "you are perfect."

"Natty I wanna go." I carried y/n over to Wanda and went to speak to their manager. "Hey, is there anyway y/n can go home? They're really upset." I tried to stop him from walking out to check on y/n but he saw y/n being carried around by Wanda as she tried to calm them down. "They are your little?"

"No, they are a little but they aren't ours, we just haven't met our little yet and they haven't met their caregiver so we are helping them." He nodded. "Well I can't have a little one waiting tables, as cute as that would be. I will get my daughter to cover them. You just make sure they feel better soon."

"Thank you sir, have a good day." I knew I always liked their boss. "Hey baby, we are going home, do you want me or Wanda to carry you?" Y/n pointed to me which made me smile. "Okay baby."

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