22: Captive Bride

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Keigo's pov:

The world around me feels like it's spinning out of control. With every attempt to force my eyes open to wake up. My vision becomes clearer. Echoed voices soon become clear aswell. Then the ringing pain of a headache screams out. I go to reach for my head but-.


^why can't I move?^

"So good that you've woken up meat."

I look around to see that I'm hogtied on the ground that's infront of a throne. Seats sit high around like an opera theater. The more I squirm around. The more chuckles and chops being licked I hear.

"Hmm-" ^I can't talk either?! Shit, looks like this is it. Sorry I couldn't apologize to you dabi.^

I close my eyes and put my head down to show no signs of struggling anymore. That's when the room goes silent.

"Tell me why my guest is tied before me."

I look up to see overhaul sitting on the throne, and a grunt bowing before him.

"Your majesty, he's an omega. We thought that if he wasn't going to join us. We could eat him."

"Is that why you made it to where he couldn't speak freely? Get out of my sight."

A flick of his arm rips the grunt to pieces before me.

"If you drooling muts want something to eat. I've provided, but our guest here doesn't get a single fang or claw touched. Unless you wanna join the dinner menu."

Everyone bows as overhaul stands up and frees me.

"Sorry for the way that treated you. Are you alright?"

I bow to him out of respect.

"Thank you overhaul. I would join you but I belong to someone else."

"So you're still with Endeavor?"

"No sir, I belong to another pack master."

"I see, well I hope he treats you well. Want me to escort you back home?"

"I'd hate to trouble you, but I do have questions."

"I'll answer them on the way to your master's place."

"Dabi's not my master. It's actually the opposite. He calls me master."

"So that's what's going on. He doesn't want to turn you and gain an omega for himself."


"Omega is someone who can give birth to new packmasters. An air if you will. Even though you're human. You have the scent that tells packmasters that you'll be one if you are turned."

"So with a scratch I'll be breeding stock?"

"No one has told you the actual way the turning prosess works? Sure a scratch will turn you for one night, but killing someone during that time seals the curse into your soul."


"If you were to renounce your ties with dabi. I can guarantee your safety and you can choose who turns you. I'll even give you a grunt to kill."

"I can't, Dabi isn't just a packmaster to me. He's my- my boyfriend."

"I can't argue with that. Tell you what then. If you could give dabi a message for me then. Tell him that when he's ready. I'll help him take Endeavor down and we'll split the numbers down the middle."

"Really? Thank you overhaul sir."

"Please, call me kai. Since we're gonna work together as friends. We're here."

Walking and talking made time fly by. Just as I was about to walk to the theater. I looked back.

"Why are you letting me go if omegas are so important to your den's survival?"

"It's because we already have one. We're waiting for her to come of age before turning her. Rest assure whoever she chooses will take my place. Rumor has it there's a boy her age that likes her back. So we're protecting them both."

"That's good to hear. Thank you again over- i mean kai."

He starts walking back as I enter the theater.

Overhaul's pov:

As I walk away. I call one of my guards close.

"Yes sir?"

"Looks like we've found out Dabi's weakness. Now we just have to exploit it. Weak packmasters need to be dealt with as soon as possible."

"What do you have planned sir?"

"Call Endeavor. He'll help us, and we'll take him down while he's distracted by the omega."

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