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I wonder what she thinks of this...

Y/n POV:

I walked quickly to my room not looking where I was going, my eyes pinned to the ground and my cheeks flushed with a deep red.
I quickly walked around the corner and bumped into someone.

,,Hey bloodbag, where are you going in such a hurry?"

Cassandra looked down on me, a smirk appeared on her face.
She kneeld down and lifted my chin with her fingers.

,,Such a pretty face~"

,, Lady Cassandra, w-what are you doing"

,,Hush now little one"

She came closer with her face but
I pushed her away from me and stood up quickly. She looked up to me with a disappointet face. I picked up my speed and walked to my room. After closing the door I push my back against the door and sink to the floor.

I sit there for a while thinking about today. I remember that I need to do my chores nefore the meeting starts.

--- time skip ---

I finished cleaning the dining room now the floor in the main is all that is left to do. I walked threw the door and went to get water so I can start cleaning. I got a bucket and the mop from a little chamber ( dukes room ) and went up the little stairs to the main hall.
I was nearly finished with the floor when the doors from the dining room opened.

,,You've done a great job my dear~"

I turn around and looked up to the face of the tall woman.

,,Thank you my Lady, the quests should arrive soon, right?"

,,Yes dear, I want you to be at the meeting too. As my best Maid it's not even a question if you're coming too."

,,Of course my Lady, but I'll need to change before the meeting begins."

,,No, the suit is just fine, it looks really good on you dear."

,,Thank you"

I bow a bit and she walked past me.
I went to the kitchen, another maid was cooking.

,,What are you cooking?"


I didn't get a reply
I spoke up again

,,I asked what you are cooking"

I didn't realize my tone so I was confused when the maid looked at me and was kinda scared.

,,I- I'm making a p-patsa"

,,Can I see?"


The Pasta looks good, I gave her a small smile wich she returned.

,,Can I ask you somethin"

I looked at her she looked down while fiddling with her fingers.

,,What do you wanna know?"

,,A few days ago, I heard you sing in the opra hall. I also saw you and Lady Bela, so I wan-"

,,This is non of your business alright"

A voice from behind us said
I turned around and saw Bela staring threw my soul. Her stare was intense and made me feel scared.

,,The other Lord's and Mother Miranda will be here soon. Hurry up with the food"

She commands the maid

,,Yes Lady Bela"

She suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me to another room.

,,Bela what are you doing"

,,Beforehand, what was that with Cassandra?"

,,I d- don't know"

,,What do you mean you don't know, she was so clo-"

,,Do you think I wanted that? Do you really think that? Even if what do you care!?"

I slightly yelled at her, wich she obviously didn't like
She grabbed both of wrists, pulled them above my head and pressed me against the wall

,,Who are you to yell at me?"

Her voice wasn't loud but serious and scary

,,I'm sorry"

I know I've made a big mistake, and I was sacred for my life.
Her eyes looking directly at mine then slowly wandering down to my neck, and I know what she wanted.

,,Bela I'm sorry"

Her eyes filled with hunger, before I could say anything she buried her teeth in my neck. I groan in pain when I felt her sucking my blood.
She pulled back, licking her lips.

,,You taste sweet, little one~"

I turned my face away from her.
I was a blushing mess.
She pulled my face toward her and forced me to look at her.

,,The others will be here soon, we should go to the dining room. Don't you think?"

I just nod. She let go of me and we walk together. We sit down at the table and said nothing. It was deadly still.

,,I need to ask you something Y/n"


My head hurts damn

Anyways a  new chapter is here but it's short again.
But I hope you enjoy this one too.

Bela x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now