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"For now, let's just wait until we hear from heisenberg. Then we'll discuss everything else."

Bela POV:

Since that talk with my mother, six days have passed.

And I'm starting to believe they didn't make it to the factory.
I hope she's alright.

Y/n POV:

I hate this..

So basically, we've reached the factory nearly six days ago. Here's the thing.

Ethan had to cause a scene when we went through the factory, Heisenberg wanted his help to somehow  defeat Mother Miranda, and of course, Ethan was being a child and did not agree to this. So... he threw Ethan in some weird hole and took me to be his maid. Great.

I've been doing the most dirty work I've ever done. Cleaning blood stains on the carpets was better than this.

I don't get food, I don't even remember when I ate something for the last time. I get a bottle of water every day from Karl, but that's but really it.

He's really harsh on me, probably because I'm his sister's maid, and we all know they don't get along.
Whenever I do something wrong or not as good as he wants it to be, he beats me up. Since six days, I've been going through hell. I came here because I thought he would bring me back to the castle, we'll I guess I'll  never go back there.

All these thoughts are racing in my head as I sit in my little dirty cell.

"Ey, little girl! You forgot to make my bed."

I hear his voice growing closer as he speaks. I don't want to get hut again. My clothes are already torn, so you can see my bra through the holes in my shirt. One or two rips are probably broken, and I'm covered with bruises. My nose is still bleeding from this morning, and my left eye feels sore and hurt like hell.

Just as Heisenberg reached my cell, his phone rang.

"Dammit... here, take this. I'll be right back."

He says and theos a water bottle at me. This Bitch, thankfully the phone rang before he reached me.

After some time, he came back, and he opened the cell door and grabbed my collar, pulling me closer to him.

"I would beat you up right now, but Mother miranda called. She knows you're here and called us all to a meeting. You lucky girl."

He said a bit pissed.

"Wait, that means I'll go back to the castle, right?"

"Yes, the meeting is in my...sisters castle because her daughters are also part of the meeting. I'm sure you're thrilled to go back the castle full of blood suckers, huh?"

I just nod. Soon after we start our journey to the castle, it takes a few hours, and mid way Heisenberg complained about how long the way to the castle is and five minutes after his complains we reached the castle.

He then harshly grabbed my neck and started walking. His grip on my neck was hard  it hurt like hell.

"I should've given you other clothes. I can see the bruises through the holes in your shirt."

Yeah, no shit  big brain. Not only the bruises my bra too.
He pushed my head down as we entered the dining room so that I couldn't look up.

It seems like only mother Miramda was here since only one chair is being used, and all I could see was a pair of black wings.

"Hello Mother, I bring you the woman you asked for." He said as he lifted my head up.

"You Idiot, what did you do to her... she's just a kid."

She walked over to me, and put his hands away from my head. She gently took my face with her ha d to look at me, and after that, she took a look at my bruises that were on open display.

"Oh my poor child, it's time you go back where you belong."
She said in a caring tone.

"Thank you, Mother Miranda."

I send her a loving smile, which she returned.

Soon after, the other lords walked in, followed by Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters.

No one seems to notice me since Heisenberg has put me on the floor.

"My children, it's good to see you all."

Miranda spoke to the other lords.

"Mother Miranda, may I ask what is the reason that you called us all here, including my daughters?"

Mother Miranda looks down at me and then back at the four lords.

"Alcina, you just lost your best maid, didn't you?"

I could hear Daniela and Cassandra comfort Bela.

"Yes, I did." He voice sounded a bit hurt as she spoke.

"Heisenberg, you've found the girl didn't you, and you kept her in your factory u til this morning."

He looks down and reaches for my head and harshly pulls me up.
I barely have enough strength to keep my on my own feet.

"You bastard  what did you do to her!"
It's Belas voice.

When I looked around the table, I saw Ethan kneeling next to Bela.

"Y/n... I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." He said.

I looked at the lady if the castle, and she looked mad, really mad.

"Alcina, the girls' faith is in your hands."

Alcina walked over to me and k eels before me.

"Oh my poor child, let's get you back in track." She said as she put her hand on my cheek.

She gently took my hand and brought me over to Bela.

That's when Ethan spoke.

"You really want to go back into the moster filled castle!?"

I look down to him "Yes Ethan, this is my home."

Then Bela basically yeeted me into a hug woch took my strength to stand away, so we're now kneeling on the floor as we hug each other.

I swear to God Ethans expression was priceless. The woman who tried to kill him pulls me into a deep hug.

"I've missed you, so much." She says.

"I missed you too Bela."

As if she could read my mind, she gently takes my face, and pulls me in for a gentle kiss, the moment our lips touched I felt a thousand emotions in my body. She pulls away after a few seconds and just looks at me.

"You're never leaving me again."

She said and pulls back unto her hug.

"I'll stay, forever."


Heyyy new chapter and I'm sorry rhat it took awhile for me to wrote this.

I hipe you enjoy and have a beautiful weekend <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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