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over the next few weeks maths lessons became your favourite part of the day.

it was like you suddenly had something in your life that was worth living for - seeing mr yamazaki in maths class.

the second the bell would ring for period 6 you would fill with excitement and rush over to the maths block, always arriving a few minutes early.

you tried best to not act nervous in front of him, even though he made you blush and stutter and get butterflies in your stomach every time he interacted with you - you had no choice but to control it.

instead, you worked harder at solving the maths, trying to get even more on his good side.

every time he smiled encouragingly at you it made you feel like it was worth doing maths for the rest of your life, just to see that smile that made your insides melt.

you found yourself learning new charms he had every lesson. he was such a lovely person to be around; he never got mad at students and always tried his best to help them. he really was perfect in every way.

by the end of every lesson you would feel full of disappointment and sadness, and immediately start counting down to the next one.

and weekends were the absolute worst.


'y/n? do you mind staying after class to go through that question, because i need to help some other students first?'

those words were music to your ears.

you had asked mr yamazaki for help with the challenge question and to your utter joy he offered to stay after class to help you.

'okay that's fine!' you said nonchalantly.

*after class*

unfortunately it only took him about five minutes to run through the question.

feeling slightly disappointed, you gathered your stuff and started to make your way out of the classroom.

'wait y/n!' to your surprise he called after you.

'yes sir?'

'you walk home the same way as me don't you? why don't we walk together! i don't have any marking left to do today.'

filled with delight you smiled and nodded.

as you left the school gates you wondered whether it was weird for a teacher to ask their student to walk home together. that wasn't normal, was it? did this mean mr yamazaki was interested in you too? but surely it would be weird if a teacher had a crush on a student 7 years younger than them, even if they were almost an adult...

'y/n? everything okay?'

'huh? oh yeah i'm fine, was just thinking' you laughed it off.

you felt so nervous walking just the two of you. the streets were almost empty and you didn't know what to say to make conversation with a teacher - especially a teacher you had feelings for.

'any plans for the weekend?'

surprisingly, mr yamazaki was very good at making simple conversation without making things awkward.
well, maybe it wasn't surprising for someone as perfect as him.

before you knew it you were laughing and chatting together, and it didn't feel like you were with a maths teacher. it felt like you were with a friend you had known for a long time. time flew by and you arrived at mr yamazaki's street. 

'well, this is me.' you both came to a stop at the edge of his street.

for the first time in this whole journey home, mr yamazaki made eye contact with you.

immediately, your heart seemed to beat louder and you felt your palms start to sweat.

you had never felt more comfortable making conversation with someone than you had just now with mr yamazaki.
but at the same time, you had never felt more nervous when someone looked at you.

he smiled at you with a glint in his eyes.

something about the expression on his face seemed different, an expression you hadn't seen before.

he seemed to stare at you very earnestly and carefully, and his eyes were filled with an emotion you couldn't quite put your finger on.

you wondered whether you were just imagining things, but you had analysed mr yamazaki's every movement and every facial expression in the past few weeks, and something just felt different.

mr yamazaki was very easy to read, as most of the time he would either be smiling, or concentrating. (damn did he look hot when he was focusing on a maths question with his glasses on...)

but now you simply couldn't make out what he was feeling or thinking. 

the silence was killing you and his gaze on you almost made you feel giddy.

'is there something else you wanted to say sir?' you asked timidly, trying to avoid his gaze by peering further down the road at a cherry blossom tree.

he realised he had been staring at you for too long and looked away abruptly.

'no, no! sorry if i made you uncomfortable i just got a bit lost in my thoughts aha.' he chuckled awkwardly and looked anywhere but at you.

this is the first time you'd ever seen him...nervous?

'have a good weekend y/n!' he smiled briefly and patted you on the shoulder before leaving to walk down his road.

your whole arm tingled at his touch and you stood there in awe, watching him walk into the distance.

your brain started to create all sort of stories.
mr yamazaki was in love with you. why else would he smile at you like that and stare at you and pat your arm and put so much effort in to help you with your work, and even go to the lengths of walking you home?

'i must be crazy...' you thought to yourself, shaking your head as you turned out of his road and continued on your walk home.


you walked into your house in shock at the sight of brown boxes stacked in piles everywhere.

'y/n. we're moving house tomorrow.' your mum explained as you took your shoes off, still unable to take your eyes off the incredible amount of boxes.

'tomorrow!? i thought we weren't moving till next week?!'

'our buyer suddenly needs to move in earlier because of an urgent personal matter so they requested us to move out a week earlier. we agreed because why not! we've already had the moving company help us pack everything up today, as you can see.'


*the next day*

you had been moving around boxes, unpacking them and placing furniture all morning, and you were exhausted.

'i'm so hungry' you groaned, sipping your iced coffee.

'well lucky for you, the neighbour has invited us over for lunch!' your dad exclaimed.

'what!? when?!'

'now! come on let's go!'

you really weren't in the mood for socialising right now, but you were too hungry to protest.

also, the word 'neighbour' made your stomach lurch.

you had gotten the shock of your life when you walked to your new house this morning - your new house was on mr yamazaki's road.

rose avenue was a very long road which branched off to three other roads, so you assumed you were probably nowhere near his house. but it still gave you butterflies to think of how close you probably were to your crush.

you followed your parents out the door and to your neighbour's front porch, waiting behind your mum as your dad knocked on the door.

a few seconds later, the door was opened by a young man in black trousers and a navy button-up shirt. he had medium length black hair and greeted you all with a smile until his eyes fell upon you and his mouth opened in shock, as did yours.

your new neighbour was mr yamazaki.

teacher's pet  [kento yamazaki x reader]Where stories live. Discover now