° Lee Know ° Pt. 3

986 57 29

I'm back :'D


Knock knock!

"Who's that?" Chan asked without taking his eyes off his laptop

"Channie~ I bring your kids with me" Lina happily walked inside and placed the food container in front of Chan "Eat up. You must be hungry" Lina plant a soft kiss on Chan's head before sitting besides him

Instead of getting mad, Jisung demanded a kiss from her too "Ahhh Hyung! I want a kiss too"

"Come here" Lina opened her arms wide for Jisung to latched onto her. The squirrel looking boy didn't hesitate to latched himself to Lina

"Such a lovely baby" Lina pecked her cheeks a few times before Felix poked her shoulder "Hyung. I want kisses too..."

"No. You can't" Jisung held Lina tighter "Mine"

"Jisung. Sharing is caring"

"Since when sharing kisses is caring?"

"Since I said so" Lina cupped Felix cheeks and gave him a soft kiss on his forehead "there you go"

Felix quickly covered his face when he felt his cheeks turned bright red "Don't you guys think it's a little hot in here? Wanna go outside?"

"No. It's just you" Jeongin answered

Seungmin, Hyunjin and Changbin who was watching their Hyung giving the member kisses glanced at each other

"Uhhh... Who wanna go first?" Seungmin asked

"Not me" Hyunjin quickly replied

"Maybe me" Changbin glanced at them for the last time before throwing himself on Jisung back, who was still attached to Lina "Come on. Hyung give me a kiss too. Then Seungmin and Hyunjin"

"NO!" Both Seungmin and Hyunjin shouted


"Baby. Where's your bag?" Seungmin asked Minho when he saw him walking down the stairs

"I right he- oh... It's upstairs. Wait I'll get them"

"No no. I'll get them. You go wait in the car with Chan" Seungmin then helped Minho down the last few steps of stairs and led him to their car "Channie. Remember don't jump on mommy's back"

"Okay!" Little Chan smiled at his daddy and continued playing with his small ukulele

"I'll be back" Seungmin pecked Minho lips before running back inside the house

Minho got in the car and turned to Chan

... What do I say?..

"Uhh Channie?"

"Yes mommy?"

Minho covered his mouth and mentally cried because of how cute the boy look and sound "N-nothing"

"Mommy? Baby Binnie sleep?"


"Changbin! Channie little brother!" Little Chan pointed at Minho tummy "Brother. Sleep?"

Oh god... Chabgbin? As in Seo Changbin? Or different Changbin?

"Yes. Baby's asleep"

Minho heart cracked a little when he saw how disappointed little Chan face look

"Channie can play with baby when he's here hm? Let him sleep a little longer in here"

Little Chan nodded sadly before slumping back on his seat "When will baby come?"

"Hmm.. 1 weeks? 2 weeks? Somewhere in between"


"Lina? Lina! Are you okay?!" Seungmin dropped all the bags he was holding and ran to his wife "Shit. Lina! Breathe with me"

Minho didn't realize that his breathing has speed up and sweat was running down his forehead

"Lina! Lina in and out. In... Out... Yes yes just like that" Seungmin rubs Minho hand, caressing it with lots of care and love "Babe... What's wrong?"

"I... I don't know. I'm scared"

"Baby it's okay to be scared. I'm here with you okay? Channie is here with us too. Baby too"

Minho was confused and scared. He don't know why he's crying and shaking but he can't stop them at all. It seems like his emotions have a brain on its own

Is this normal?... Why do I feel like I've been through this before? Will this effect the baby?

"Baby will be okay right?"

"... Lina. Baby won't be okay if you're stressed out. If there's something in your mind, please tell me. I don't want you to carry all the problem alone" Seungmin leaned in until the forehead touch "I love you okay?"

Minho huffed out heavily and nodded "... I love you too"

Being a women is very difficult...


"There you go love" Lina placed the last flower hair clip on Hyunjin hair and patted his head "So beautiful"

"Thanks Hyung" Hyunjin smiled at her and looked at his hair in the mirror "Woah. Hyung I don't know you can braid hair this good"

"Hm? Your Minho Hyung can't braid hair?" Lina asked

"Uhh yeah you can't"

"That's a loss. Your hair is perfect for that"

Hyunjin hummed. They then sat in silence. Lina doesn't mind it but Hyunjin felt slightly uncomfortable with the silence

"Hyung... You're different"

"Different? How?"

"You're... Not you? How do I put this together... You're more.. affectionate and expressive? Something like that"

"Is that a good to you?"

"Yeah! It is!"

"Then it's all good. As long as I didn't put any tissue down your throat then we're okay" Lina giggled

Hyunjin nervously laughed "Ahaha. Yeah lets not put any tissue down anyone throat"

"Hyung! Hyunjin! I make brownies! Come here!"

"Looks like the lovely boy bake us something. Lets go" Lina took Hyunjin hand in hers and led Hyunjin inside

Hyunjin felt butterfly in his stomach whenever Lina smile or hold him. It felt different from anything he ever experienced. It's amazing and warm and comfy...

Damn... Is this what love feels like?


Short update after almost 2 week missing *wipe tears*

Anyway how's your day? Mine is great!

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