• Lee Know • pt. 4

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Hello :D


"Baby. Wake up we're here" Seungmin gently tapped Minho cheeks "Come on. Wake up sleepy head"

"Go away" Minho hugged his pillow tighter and covered his eyes

"You can sleep again after you take a shower. Come on baby. Mom and dad is waiting for us. Chan is already halfway there" Seungmin took off Minho seatbelt, pulling him out from the car slowly "Mom said she already prepare a hot tub for you. That's your favourite right?"

"Yeah. My favourite I-"

Wait... Halfway? Chan? Where's the house?

Minho eyes then landed on a house on top of the hill "what the fuck? I have to climb all those stairs? Is there any other way to go up there?"

"Sadly no. The road is very dangerous. I don't want to take any risk" said Seungmin as he picked up their bags and belongings

"Lets go baby. I'll ask dad to help me with our things later"

"I can carry it too. Give it to me"

"No. I'll do it"

"Oh come on"

"Lina" Seungmin said sternly

Minho rolled his eyes, huffing out loudly as he walked pass him "Whatever"


"Guys. Take a few minutes off" Lina said worriedly

Like always, they locked themselves in the practice room to perfect their performance. There's shouldn't be any mistake in their first comeback stage. Not even the smallest one

"Are you okay hun?" Lina wiped Jeongin sweats off with a small napkin "want some water?"

"Yes please.."

"Here" she handed Jeongin the water bottle and went to Changbin who was laying on his back "Come on. You can't immediately lay down after the dance. It's not good for you. Sit first" she grabbed Changbin hand, pulling him into a sitting position. Changbin started whining and huffing but what can she do? Lina then ran towards Hyunjin and Felix who was still dancing their ass off

"Come on love. Sit first. You can continue later" grabbing the two hands, she then pulled them to the grey couch at the corner of the room and sat them down "I know you want a perfect performance but your health is important too. Take a rest hm?" She patted their head and ran to Jisung and Seungmin

"How are you two doing? Good?"


"Poor baby..." Lina cupped Jisung cheeks and turned to Seungmin "You have your vocal training after this right?"

"Yeah... I don't think I can sing that well anymore. My throat is killing me"

"Don't push yourself too much. Your singing is already amazing! I love your voice"

"Thank you hyung..." A blush creep up Seungmin cheeks as he turned away from the older

"You deserve all the compliments in the world for your singing" Lina then jogged towards Chan with a smile "the kids seems a little better than before"

"Oh? Are they your kids?"


"What about me?"

"You're the dad obviously"


"Anyway, how are you? You're holding your wrist since yesterday. Is it hurt?"

"Don't worry about me. Just a minor injury. No big deal"

"It is a big deal. What if it got worse?"

"Then I uh... Put it in ice?"

Lina looked at him with the 'you serious right now?' look "Chris..."

"It's okay Minho! I'm perfectly fine. I'll be okay in a few days"

"If you say so Chris" She then make her way back to the boys, asking them one by one if they can continue with their practice

Chan just stood there, watching her like a proud leader


"Kim Seungmin...." Minho huffed out tiredly "Are you trying to kill me and the baby? You really ask me to climb all these stairs in this weather?"

Minho legs had given up on him long ago. He's now standing on one of the stairs, pouting his heart out while waiting for his knight in shining armour to help him

"Baby... I'm so sorry but there's no other way we can go up there.."

"I don't think I can walk any longer and someone's awake" He poked his tummy and get a small kick in return

Those little movement never failed to make him smile

"How about this... You wait here and I'll get our bags to dad first then I'll get you later. Is that okay?"

A sudden guilt started hitting him when he saw a few sweats rolled down his husband forehead

"You know what? I'm not tired anymore and I'm not waiting you here. It's crazy hot!"

"Lina.. babe. Don't push yourself. It's not good for you and baby. Just wait here okay? I'll be back" Seungmin gave him a last kiss before running up the stairs

"You- hey! Ugh" Minho sat down on one of the huge rocks besides the stairs and groaned "Why is it so hot?! I'm dying! Hey bud. Is it like a microwave in there? You good?"

A small kick in return

"I take that as a no. You must be very comfortable in there Hm?"

"Mommy! Mommy water!" Little Chan ran down the stairs

"Don't run! You'll fall!"

Minho can hear an older woman voice from up the hill. He assumed that it's Seungmin mother

"Mommy! Mommy! Water for you!" By the time the little boy got there, the water was already half gone but Minho still drank the still remaining water

"Thank you baby. You're such a nice boy" Minho patted the boy head.

"Mommy! Grandmama have water bird!" Little Chan excitedly squealed

Huh?.. water bird? That's new

"Oh really? Wanna show mommy where is it?"

"Yes! Mommy come on!" The little boy grabbed Minho hand and pulled him up. Minho got no choice but to follow him up

"Chan-ah. Don't pull mommy. She's tired"

"Who said I'm tired? I'm all fine"

"Oh yeah? Your dress is soaking wet with your sweats" Seungmin carefully wiped off the sweats from Minho face "Mom almost done with the food. You can eat first. I'll unpack our stuff"

"Eat first you idiot. You're gonna faint"

"Worried much eh?"

"You know what? Perish. I don't care"

"I love you too baby"


What is this? I'm gonna for like... A month then come back with this? I'm disappointed ;-;

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