One last time

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Niki and Morgan had been best friends since they were young. They were so close people often teased them saying they were dating, but they never were. Now they are 16 and still best friends.
One day Niki invited Morgan over to her house. Morgan gratefully accepted the offer. Morgan showed up around 1:00pm. He and Niki had a relationship where they would cuddle but not romantically. They lay in bed watching tik toks and playing their favorite game, Uno. Later they went outside and played one on one basketball. Both Niki and Morgan played basketball.

Then around 5:00 pm Morgan said to Niki looking into her ocean blue eyes, "I have to be home by 5:30. I really want to stay but I have to go".
Niki looked up to Morgan (they had a large height difference), " Oh, ok but can we meet at your house tomorrow? " She asked.
"Of course", Morgan said happily before pulling Niki into a hug.
Morgan stepped on to the running board of his blue 02 Chevy.
" Bye Niki see you tomorrow! " He yelled as Niki walked up the porch steps. Niki turned on her heel, she grew a huge smile and waved vigorously. Sadness swarmed over Niki as the blue Chevy turned out of the driveway. Morgan noticed her still standing on the porch and honked his horn at her. Niki giggled.
______________________________Time Skip______________________________
It was 6:30 and Niki's phone buzzed, buzzed and buzzed again. She looked at the notifications. Oh no! It was Morgan's mother. The text read 'Niki, I'm so sorry to tell you Morgan got into a car crash on his way home. Please come If you want his room number is 305b."
Niki's heart sank, she slid down the side of her door sobbing. She finally stood up and ran through the house. She grabbed her keys and rushed out the door. Her mother yelled out the  door "Niki where are you going?!"
'Damn it ' Niki thought
"Its Morgan he's in the hospital! I have to go see him." Niki yelled through her violent sobs.
"Hun go! Go see him" her mother urged.
Niki ran through the door, slamming it behind her.
Niki weaved through the traffic until she saw the red neon light sign of the hospital. She ran through the door of the hospital. She saw the Receptionist and said "I need to go to room 305b". Her voice shaking.
"305b is down the hall to the right. Hon are you ok", the Receptionist asked but it was to late Niki vanished around the corner.
'Found it!' Niki thought. She prepared herself for the worst as she pushed in the door. She could instantly hear the machines beeping.
" Morgan!" She sobbed as she saw him lay in the hospital bed.
"Niki!" He said his voice weak.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry I should have convinced you to stay longer I'm so sorry" Niki sobbed as she ran Towards him. "Niki you couldn't have prevented this. Now come here" Morgan said patting the bed. Niki could tell even talking took a lot out of Morgan. She walked up to the bed.
"You want me to sit with you?"  Niki asked for validation
"No, I want you to cuddle with me". Morgan said breathless. Niki nodded as she climbed in next to him. Niki snuggled in perfectly into Morgan's arms.
" I've always loved you" Niki confessed
"Me too. Your the best person I know" Morgan whispered into Niki's ear.
"I just wanted this one last cuddle", Morgan said. He tightened his grip on Niki. Bit it quickly released as the Machine flat lined.
" I love you too", Niki sobbed
                                       He is gone

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