Why Jump?

16 0 2

Major TW

I stand at least 80 feet above the water on this mighty bridge. I take a deep breath, the cold air snaps through my lungs.
                   I know what I'm doing. I have to do this.
Standing on the edge of this bridge does feel intimidating, but my thoughts redirect me to what I'm here to do.
One large step is enough. I feel my body start to fall. I slowly fall.
As soon as my other foot leaves the security of the bridge I regret everything. Everything I've lived through came back like a rush of adrenaline. Then I saw it, the one thing worth living for.

I reach and struggle hoping to save myself. Only grabbing handfuls of air in return.
"NO!" I scream, as I plummet into the freezing waters below.
The cold plunge shocked my system.
Take a deep breath! My inner Conscience screamed.
The water floods my lungs. Im too deep now, to far from the surface. I felt my body give up.
                            No... NO!  I tried. I really did.
           But how is she going to react to the phone call?
The phone trilled
"Hello I'm with the coast guard. Im so sorry to tell you but ________'s body was found on the shore. All signs point to suicide."
The phone collides with the kitchen floor, followed by a loud cry.


Thank you guys for reading! I held off from publishing this one for a while but I don't regret publishing it at all!
Any suggestions for a new story/plot I would love! Just drop them in the comments! Once again, thanks for reading!
Word count: 280

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