الفصل الأو

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Life was very normal, at least as normal as it could be. Going to school, trying not to get slaughtered on the streets of Cairo. That's right, Cairo. Hard enough if you're "normal". But when one is trans and dark-skinned, it pretty much means a death wish. Gold was well aware of this fact, but even with this target on her back, she always managed to stay out of a lot of danger. But whoever messes with a girl is able to turn problems into lewd scenes. Without fail, Gold will find herself above her attacker, grab their weapon, pull it from their hands, and use it against them. Eventually word spread that a dark-skinned girl was responsible for the murders of several well-known criminals.
"The sweetest gold. I see another criminal who made a mistake." said a little girl, running to"
Gold. "What does everyone know?" Gold request. "Please, they don't know anything, they think they're all just other criminals. Well, except for Horai, she thinks she knows you're doing this." The little girl replied. "Of course I did, she's the only one I've ever had a problem with. She hates that I subconsciously steal men around her. Even though I told her I didn't mean to." Gold added. "Maybe, although I think it's because of your heritage." The little girl persisted. "Please, Gera, my heritage is not that special. My mother is the best buyer for archaeologists and I have never known my father. So I don't think I am that special." Gold replied. "Maybe you don't know anything after all... I mean, I always knew you were so stupid." spat an angry-looking girl, walking near the two. "Horai, she doesn't mean to take your love away from you." Jira muttered. "Are you trying to get hurt? We both know she means it every time." Horai replied. Gold put her hand on the bandages covering one side of her face. "Listen, Gold has the right idea, little girl. You remember the last time." Hori said with a laugh. "Gera, enough. I know the rift between my two groups of friends. Now go to class." said a tall man, his body covered in tattoos. "Yes, Mr. Jisi," said the three. "Actually, Gold, can I talk to you for a second." Mr. Jisi said as he walked away. "What does he want to see you for?" Horai asked angrily. "I don't know, but if you choose to follow me, I won't judge." Gold replied. "Do you know the danger you are in? Set's daughter," asked Mr. Jisi. "I take it very much to be a descendant of Set."Gold replied. "Poor kid..by the way, you're not doing anything sitting at the door to eavesdrop." Mr. Jisi said. The door flew in, revealing that Horai was perched beside the door. "Mr. Jisi, I was coming to ask you a favor from a teacher," said Horai, shocked."Yes, I am sure you were. Daughter of Isis." Mr. Jisi said tiredly. "What are you even talking about, Mr. Jisi? They are both ancient gods of our country." Horai said. "Yes, great note Horai. Daughter of Set. Do you know how much the gods hate your existence?" asked Mr. Jisi. "Wonderful, even the gods despise her." Horai smiled. "Because of my heritage I guess, I've been hearing that a lot lately." said Gold. "Yes, Set has always been a despised deity. He is assumed to be the god of chaos, the opposite of Osiris. But this is not always the case, Set has helped other deities many times. With so many years, this fact has been lost."Mr. Jisi said. "You still don't explain what you're talking about." Horai said. "You both are old, the gods are looking down on you solemnly, and so are the beasts. I advise you to keep your wits about you." Mr. Jisi said. "What the hell did you do to him?" asked Horai. "If I knew what he was talking about, I would tell this person with me." Gold said. Suddenly a scream came from down the hall. "Gera!" Gold said simply, as she ran down the hall. * What are you waiting for, despite the unfortunate upbringing of Set's daughter, she is brave. *A voice sounded in Horai's head. Finally reaching the classroom door, Gold was stunned by what she saw. Gerra was carrying Khopesh standing in the middle of a mound of golden dust. Standing in front of her was a terrible creature. It looked like the golden scarab beetle on Gold's chain necklace, the thing standing crooked and rust covering the metal knuckles of his fingers, and a hungry look in his eyes. "Child Demigod, you won't win, I devour you."The creature said in a screaming terrifying voice. "I will never allow a creature in the abyss to taste divine blood." Gera said. "What the hell is this thing?" asked Horai, and finally appeared to Gold's side. "The scarab demon, which I've seen in fiction books, first appeared with the fall of Ra."She said, pulling a scarab necklace from her neck. "I wish Ra would protect me from the stupid thing I'm about to do." Gold said, her hands tightly clasped around the scarab on the necklace. She rushed toward the creature, a flaming sword suddenly in her hands. The creature cried out in pain as the blade hit its mark. "Set's daughter. You dare deprive me of my food?" The creature screamed. "Gold, why are you here? I had this." Gera asked, panting from exhaustion. "Obviously no, look at you, you moved a lot." Horai said. "Enough, although I do not wish to eat my master's child, you will leave me no choice." the creature shouted. The creature raised one of its enormous legs, and brought the tip of the blade down toward Gold. "Hell no, the only one who can hurt her is me." Horai cried while holding the blade leg in her covered hand. "Enough! In the infernal name of Set, go back to the fiery pits you came from." Mr Jisi cried while holding a glowing scarab in his hand.

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